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Thread: Pandora Video Footage on PSP Slim

  1. #21


    I think the leak was faaar to late for sony to change the first productions of the psp slim.

    Hardware change probably means the IPL is different, and 1.5fw wont even run on it?!

  2. #22
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Yep that's right PSP was already on it's way when the pandora battery got released.

    So no change on the hardware or software to prevent it, it would've been the same.

    Damn!, I was hoping this could work, to enjoy some Homebrew on the PSP slim i'm planning to get

  3. #23
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hello Everyone

    1.5FW can't run in the new PSP Slim without changes in it, mostly because the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is different and probably the memory addresses to boot up correctly are also different. Though the PSP Slim starts up automatically when you insert the changed battery means that in a near future, after 3.60FW is totally decrypted, it will be easy to run it from MC using the Pandora's box.

    Pandora's box battery start up is hardly to disappear from future versions of the, cause that way games couldn't be "saved" when you enter the psp in sleep mode (power button up once).

    All I can say is good work to the vast group of people that puts in and invests a lot of time and hard work into bringing homebrew to every fan.

    Best Regards.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiori View Post
    I think the leak was faaar to late for sony to change the first productions of the psp slim.

    Hardware change probably means the IPL is different, and 1.5fw wont even run on it?!
    Actually the leak was back in June, and it's quite likely that Sony could have got hold of it back then.

    This is why it made no real difference to Slim's homebrew chances to release the battery when we did.
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  5. #25


    June? - Well, yes, that gives sony plenty of time to change the batch, if they even needed too...

    - In my eyes. I can't see homebrew on the slim soon... Unless something big happens.

    and Fanjita, I have to give kudos to all the downgrading breakthough's you have been involved in, and thankyou for keeping them legal. (The 3.50 downgrader for example, was something I never dreamed that could happen.)

  6. #26
    DCEmu Rookie E.J.'s Avatar
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    It seems like the pandora battery gets the psp slim into service mode, but its very likely the ipl.bin provided with the released pandora pack can't boot on the psp slim hardware.

    Anyway, its too soon yet, lets give some time to people on the scene to get a hold of the slim and see what happens after.

    PD: Nice to see Fanjita still around

  7. #27


    the first thing that caught my attention was that we could see the mans face in the psp's reflection....

    the second thing that caught my attention was that he was using a 32mb memstick, and they stated that a 32mb stick would not work...yet the code booted on the PSPhat, and not on the PSlimP

  8. #28
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    hmmmm anyway all i have to say is the thing i keep saying every single time a coder leaves or if something doesnt work

    If someone desires homebrew on their psp then they will by all means try to get it, some of those people will be hackers

    as long as theirs people wanting homebrew, i dont see how it will be barred for long

    (P.S. Did you know there are many hackers like fanjita, D.A., math and such? and the only reason WHY they dont hack the psp is because someone is already doing it kinda like the m33 team, they didnt come when D.a. was in the game, because there was someone already doing it

    so dont worry (well i dont) about many great psp hackers that leave the scene

    oh and by all means still respect them for their hardwork just dont get bummed out when they want to leave)

    my 2 long cents

  9. #29
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Well, I'd say the fact that the PSP turns on is a good sign - lets just hope that the IPL's aren't signed in different ways.


  10. #30
    DCEmu Pro Johnny Rash's Avatar
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    I really hope this can run homebrew soon. But I really don't mind the PSPhat.

    I keep getting two different stories. Does the PSP Slim have 64MB RAM or 64MB NAND Flash? PM me.

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