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Thread: SNES, SEGA & NES Games and Emulators, what works, what doesn't and how they stack up

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    Default SNES, SEGA & NES Games and Emulators, what works, what doesn't and how they stack up

    Ok time for some major changes as I am back with a 1.50 PSP again lol. So here is what I have so far. The size of the list is hopefully going to work with just the font size change I am trying... we shall see.

    A Huge THANKS to all EMU creators & developers as well as all developers for the PSP, without you I def would not enjoy my PSP as much as I do now! (Nor would the many ppl who post here and in other communities)

    Now first I want to add the EMU's that are available & how they stack up outside of my personal thoughts on them. I am also expanding to include the NES EMU's & hopefully soon the Sega EMU's.

    As far as Games/ROMs compatibility look below for what’s not working on each EMU and what is. It is an on going test & some of the games I do not have so they have to be updated by those trying to play them. I will try to keep things as updated as possible though so keep checking back & if you find out before I do, let me know .

    Downgraders for V2.0 to V1.5 are here! Use this Guide!!

    Downgraders for V2.5/2.6 are here! This is the Easy Version.

    Quick FAQ on installing EMU's on 1.5
    Ok first Download the tool: SEI PSP Tool
    For Mac Users this is VERY sim to SEI Tool: HomebrewPSP for OS X
    Now get your Emulator from one of the links below, & download it to the desktop.
    Unzip the files to your desktop & connect your PSP!!
    Now open SEI & direct it to the desktop (Just keep pushing the icon with the folder & an arrow). When you get there you will ONLY see the EBOOT file of that EMU (Please do only one EMU at a time & delete the files on your desktop before starting the next one!!!).
    Now You name the file in the first text box, select the eboot file in the second one & the third you just select which one is your psp drive letter. (The PSP Must be connected & in USB Mode for this to work!!! You can find your drive letter by looking under My Computer.)
    After you have done all that just select hide corrupt files & click Generate. Now go to your PSP (Using My Computer) & go to PSP->Games->Whatever you named your EMU. Now put any remaining files (excluding text files) into the folder WITHOUT the % Sign. Also put your Roms in that same folder. Now your ready to play your Emulator(s)/and Homebrew!

    Ok first to the Super Nintendo.

    Need to Know Information:
    Many have asked what settings to use for the best performance. Now there are many settings used to attain good speed & game play. I personally have discovered the following with all EMU's on the Super Nintendo Side;

    Frame Skip @ 0-3 (Any higher then this will make effects such as laser blasts, flashes, etc not appear as well as when your character is hit; if they flash when damaged, most of the time they just completely disappear if the Frame Skip is above 3) With Auto Frame Skip or the Speed Limiter (They are identical just one is UO SNES and the other is SNES9X TYL) its good to leave on, it basically tells ur PSP to use up to the number you set (aka 1-3) to speed up & slow down the game (Slow down for when theres little action/sprites etc & it makes things seem like they are on super speed lol). I have found that even at 3 some enemys in Illusion of Gaia disappear so switching to 2 at times is needed!

    CPU set at 333mhz (Let me clear this up for those who would ask, The PSP comes UNDERCLOCKED!! at 222mhz. It is made to run at 333mhz but that drains the battery much faster & so Sony Underclocked the PSP's Processor to increase battery life. In all actuality you are not overclocking the processor or harming it, the CPU & all its components were made to run at 333mhz from the day it was made, but since Sony locked it at 222mhz until better batteries are available (& until Gran Turismo 4 comes to PSP) we have to manually turn it back up to the normal speed. So do not be concerned with using this option. However as the PSP EMU's progress you might find that you do not need to clock as high which will help get you better battery life (Or just buy the new battery).

    Sound and Graphics speeds can be changed in UO SNES but I have found it to be really more effort then its worth. The Graphics speed up works with some games and others it causes problems with, on the Sound Speed it can be useful for certain events but then it just throws the music to extreme speeds when it becomes unneeded.

    Sound @ 44k (Dropping to 22k is an option but in every game that I tried it I did not see any increase in speed nor did the frame rate counter go up any).

    Transparency On (While turning it off does give you 1-3 more frames, 9 times out of 10 it also drops parts of the game. In Chrono Trigger its mainly just graphics effects on special attacks however in Zelda you have to run Transparency, unless you like not seeing the ground at times lol. Personally for the small gain I found using the graphics speed up more effective then losing transparency & recommend learning to use that instead & leaving this on.)

    For what screen Size to use, I run Full Screen on botht UO SNES and on SNES9x TYL. For UO SNES I use the FullBL Screen Mode. (Can be fund by going past normal Full Screen Mode). For SNES9X TYL I use the default of Accurate Mix with Full Screen.

    First We have the SNES9X TYL Release

    This Emulator was made by: YoyoFr, and many others. (I am working on a full list for all those who helped)

    This is a Port of SNES9X 1.39. It was ported using some of the Palm Version from what I understand and for its first release a very Fast and well done EMU. It has proven to play many games faster then what was the current champ at the time (UO SNES9X). While it is a new release it does have a few minor bugs to work out but it is def the Fastest Emulator available for SNES Gaming, playing some games at full speed with no Frame Skip at all. It is loaded with features and screen filters. Not to mention the things promised in the next release included Speed improvements across the board among other things. This is my personal choice right now for SNES Emulation. The EMU below this is very nice as well but just not as fast. Plus the menu’s in this EMU are great! (It could use an Icon in the PSP Menu though).

    The Available Options Include:
    Different Graphics Filters, From Speed Setups to a Mix to a Full out Graphics Eye Candy
    Speed Limiter (Just like Auto Frame Skip)
    Screen Sizes to include, Zoom 1, Zoom 2 and Full
    Transparency On and Off
    Sound Quality Filter 44k to 22k etc
    CPU Overclocking from 222 – 266 – 333
    Freeze States

    This Emulator was made by: PSP Wiki/ Y

    This is a port of SNES9x to the PSP. It is the most frequently updated of the SNES Emulators. It also sports the most options for controlling your games.
    Personally I feel this to be the best EMU available for Super Nintendo Emulation, however it does not play all games. Corrections are being made but there are still problems (see the compatibility list below) Make sure your game(s) is not on the list! We try to keep it as updated as possible. I would recommend this EMU to all users as it gives you all the options you could need & is updated almost daily.

    Those options include:
    Graphics & Sound controls (These allow you to speed up the Sound & or Graphics up to 3 times there normal speed to help compensate if you feel they are falling behind)
    Auto Frame Skip as well as Manual Frame Skip.
    Screen Size Changes to include 4:3, Full Screen Width x2 & more.
    Sound Options include Turning On & Off as well as Quality level.
    Transparency can be Turned On & Off.
    PSP CPU Processor Overclocking up to 333mhz
    Freeze States

    Next We have SNES9x .003a

    This Emulator was made by: PSP Wiki / Bifuteki

    This is a port of SNES9x to the PSP. This EMU is the most Compatible of all Super Nintendo Emulators. It plays most every game. If you have a game listed on the NON-Working Side of UO SNES then I recommend using this EMU. It has a lot of the features of the UO release but not all of them. The EMU has not seen an update in some time and I do not expect it will see one any time soon.

    The options of this EMU are as follows:
    Auto Frame Skip as well as Manual Frame Skip.
    Screen Size Changes to include 4:3, Full Screen Width x2.
    Sound Options include Turning On & Off.
    Transparency can be Turned On & Off.
    PSP CPU Processor Overclocking up to 333mhz
    Freeze States

    Work in Progress & Early Emulators

    Optimized SNES9x; This EMU has not seen an update for awhile & does not include many of the functions of the above EMU's.
    This Emulator was made by: Yoshihiro

    Super Nintendo ROMs Compatibility:

    Ok guys I decided that I am going to go through the games I have & post what does not work with which EMU's.

    Anyway this will go by release & for now I will list what Does not work so far & what I have tested. If anyone wants to help, thanks!


    • Romancing Saga 3 English Version (Working but text is either cut off or jumbled)
    • Rudra's Treasure/Rudora No Hihou English Version (Working but text is either cut off or jumbled)
    • Star Ocean English Version (For some odd reason it shows japanese character text even though it's the translated English rom)
    • Rockman & Forte English Version (For some odd reason it shows japanese character text even though it's the translated English rom)
    • Radical Dreamers English Version
    • Contra 3
    • Tales of Phantasia English Version (slow/works but I didn't check to see if *there was any text problems)
    • Earthbound
    • Killer Instinct
    • Lethal Weapon (works, but has gfx glitches)
    • Super Punchout
    • Tiny Toons
    • Mortal Kombat 2
    • Cool Spot
    • Super Double Dragon
    • Fatal Fury
    • Final Fight
    • Mega Man X
    • Mega Man X2
    • Mega Man X3
    • Mega Man 7
    • Final Fantasy 5
    • Final Fantasy 2
    • Final Fantasy 3
    • Chrono Trigger
    • Illusion of Gaia
    • Breath of Fire
    • Breath of Fire 2
    • The Legend of Zelda (A Link to the Past)
    • Secret of Mana
    • Sim City
    • Star Fox (Very Slow)
    • Super Mario RPG
    • Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
    • Terranigma
    • Looney Tunes B-Ball (character selection screwed up, frame skip of 3 works)
    • Troddlers (sounds TERRIBLE, without sound - works perfectly)
    • Kirby's Avalanche (sound misstimed, graphics very nice)
    • TMNT 4: turtles in Time (graphics choppy occ.)
    • Joe & Mac: Cavemen Ninja
    • Wario's Woods (playable, but slow. sound garbled)
    • Super Metroid
    • Super Mario Kart
    • Super Mario All Stars + World
    • UniRacers
    • Super Bomberman 2
    • Earthbound
    • Earthworm Jim
    • Sailor Moon Another Story
    • 7th Saga
    • Act Raiser 2
    • Castlevania IV
    • Donkey Kong Country
    • Donkey Kong Country 2
    • Dragonball Z Hyper Dimension
    • EVO
    • Star Trek TNG
    • Final Fight
    • Illusion of Time
    • Kirby's Dream Course
    • Kirby Super Star
    • Lufia
    • Lufia II
    • Metal Warriors
    • Mortal Kombat 3
    • Populous
    • Sailor Fuwa(?)
    • Sailor Moon R
    • Sailor Moon SuperS (Vol2)
    • Secret of Evermore
    • Secret of the Stars
    • Seiken Densetsu 3
    • Shadowrun
    • Sailor Moon S
    • Soul Blazer
    • Star Ocean (sound goes out when you enter town after loading a save state)
    • Super Bomberman 1
    • Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts
    • Super Nova
    • Super Punchout
    • Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
    • Tales of Phantasia
    • Terranigma
    • Yu Yu Hakusho: Hakusho Tokubehuten
    • Zombies Ate My Neighbors
    • Gundam Wing Endless Duel
    Not Working:
    • Bahamut Lagoon English Version
    • Clock Tower English Version
    • Harvest Moon
    • Jurassic Park 2 (Froze PSP?)
    • Panic in Nakayosi L& (Froze PSP?)
    • Shadowrun
    • Stargate
    • Yoshy Island

    Next Up is the Nintendo System Emulation

    As for Emulator settings on the Nintendo:

    As for Sound I ran at 44k all the time no problems. (NesterJ)

    On Graphics I did full screen again with no problems. (NesterJ)

    You can attain full speed w/ a max overclock of 270mhz (W/ NesterJ). While you do not have to overclock with most games I have found that using 270mhz seems to handle every game I have thrown at it at 50fps or above most of the time to include Mario 3. You can max it to the full 333mhz if you want but I just set mine to 270mhz & leave it there. In a few games as with my original Nintendo when to many characters hit the screen the game seem to have a split second lag but I found no difference at 333mhz in those games & since they happened on the original system I just wrote them off as being maxed for the limits of the system itself (The Nintendo that is).

    Need to Know Information:
    (Let me clear this up for those who would ask, The PSP comes UNDERCLOCKED!! at 222mhz. It is made to run at 333mhz but that drains the battery much faster & so Sony Underclocked the PSP's Processor to increase battery life. In all actuality you are not overclocking the processor or harming it, the CPU & all its components were made to run at 333mhz from the day it was made, but since Sony locked it at 222mhz until better batteries are available (& until Gran Turismo 4 comes to PSP) we have to manually turn it back up to the normal speed. So do not be concerned with using this option. However as the PSP EMU's progress you might find that you do not need to clock as high which will help get you better battery life (Or just buy the new battery).

    The first & most widely used Nintendo Emulator is Nester J

    This Emulator was made by: PSP Wiki / Ruka

    This Emulator gets updated Often & seems to sport the most Features. It runs games at Full Speed with the settings mentioned above & supports Full Screen Emulation. There don't seem to be any known game problems with this Emulator that I have found.

    Its Options & Features include:
    Processor Overclocking
    Sound Quality Changes & Options
    Graphics Sizes to include Width x2, Normal & Full Screen
    Freeze States

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro Cross's Avatar
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    Second we have NES for PSP

    This Emulator was made by: REi / PSP Wiki

    This Emulator is Updated, just not as often as Nester J. I have yet to load it myself as I started out with NesterJ & loved it.

    Third We have Famicontest (Also known as InfoNES for PSP)

    This Emulator was made by: PSP Wiki

    This Emulator does not seem to be well known or updated at all since its release here on DCEMU.

    Nintendo Compatability List

    • 10 Pin Bowling - Loads but has graphics problems. If you keep pressing "A" it will lead you to the main game that usually has very little graphic errors and is playable
    • 1943
    • 1944
    • 1999
    • 3 Stooges
    • 720
    • Boy and his blob
    • Addams Family
    • Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
    • Adventures of Bayou Billy
    • Adventures Dino Riki
    • Adventures Captain Comic
    • Adventure Island 1,2 and 3
    • All Pro Basketball
    • Amagon
    • Argus
    • B + W (jap)
    • Baby Boomer
    • Back to the Future
    • Bad Dudes - may need to speed up a bit in options
    • Balloon Fight
    • Barbie - some graphic glitches
    • Bases Loaded
    • Battle Chess
    • Battle of Olympus
    • Battle Toads - Hard to find a full working rom but there is one although it's a little buggy. such a good game though. if you get this pause the game!!
    • Batman
    • Beetlejuice
    • Best of the Best
    • Big Bird's hide and speak
    • Bill -N- Ted's adventure
    • Bionic Commando
    • Bucky O'Hare
    • Blues Brothers
    • Blue Shadow
    • Buggy Popper
    • Bo Jackson Baseball
    • Bomber Man - buggy
    • Battle City
    • Bubble Bath Babes - very funny but adult theme
    • Burger Time - very very hard to find a working (no bugs version) got it to finally run with no graphic glitch but it dumps when you die.
    • California Games
    • Casino
    • Castlevania series (all) - might be difficult to find a good version of each but they are out there
    • Cobra Triangle - great game!!
    • Commando
    • Crash Test Dummies
    • Dragonball Z - bugged but works

    Blank Screen
    • 10 yard fight
    • 1942
    • 4 card ???
    • Arkanoid
    • ASO
    • Bad News Bears
    • Bigfoot
    • Blood Warrior
    • Blaster Master
    • Bomber Man 2
    • Booby Kids
    • Breakthru
    • Bubble Bobble (there is prob a working version somewhere)
    • Contra Force

    Loaded but don't work
    • Adventures of Lolo - graphics problems
    • Anticipation - Looks great on start screen, anything after has graphic flaws
    • Battle Tank - Loads fine, no graphic problems but locks everything during game
    • Boulderdash - graphics problems

    Next We have the Sega Genesis Emulators (Including MegaDrive and Game Gear)

    First we have the popular PSP Genesis

    This Emulator was created by: Sougen

    This is one of the more popular Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Emulators. I can not say for sure its the best but it seems to be very fast, and compatible (even running some games at full speed using only the 222mhz setting). It does not sport all the features of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo Emulators (Zip File Support, Filters, Etc) But it def plays well, clearly and quickly. The Author has decided not to release further updates do to the Source Code and Emulator itself not being ready for release (Its still not complete). So after being told this violates GPL rules the Author chose to finish testing on his own. I personally can not wait for the next release of this Emulator! (The Author has decided to release some updates and so we have seen this EMU progress and continue to be the best Genesis EMU available)

    Some Options Include:
    Full Screen
    CPU Overclocking to 333mhz
    Full Sound Support
    Auto SRAM Feature (Not at 100%)

    Need to Know Information:
    Make Sure that you Return to the ROMs list BEFORE Exiting as not doing so can cause your PSP to Shut Off sometimes.
    Let me clear this up for those who would ask, The PSP comes UNDERCLOCKED!! at 222mhz. It is made to run at 333mhz but that drains the battery much faster and so Sony Underclocked the PSP's Processor to increase battery life. In all actuality you are not overclocking the processor or harming it, the CPU and all its components were made to run at 333mhz from the day it was made, but since Sony locked it at 222mhz until better batteries are available (And until Gran Turismo 4 comes to PSP) we have to manually turn it back up to the normal speed. So do not be concerned with using this option. However as the PSP EMU's progress you might find that you do not need to clock as high which will help get you better battery life (Or just buy the new battery).

    Next we have the DGen Emulator

    This Emulator was made by: Syn-Z

    This Emulator seems very solid. It is still in progress and being updated by the author! It will be a great addition to the community! It has good speed but the sound still needs some work, its alittle static ridden. However the displays and everything else are excellent! It does however need a Region selector as some games will not play on it.

    Supported Features include:
    Full Screen
    Has Vsync w/ On/Off
    PSG Emulation w/ On/Off
    YM2616 Emulation w/ On/Off
    CPU Overclocking to 333mhz

    Need to Know Information:
    See OVERCLOCKING information listed in PSP Genesis Up above!!!
    No Region Selector so not all Roms play!

    Work in Progress and Early Emulators
    MegaDrive for PSP This Emulator has not seen any updates lately but appears to have supported Full Screen! Hopefully we will see some updates to it here shortly!
    This Emulator was created by: Osakana

    Generator/PSP This Emulator just seems to have stopped updates. There are no screenshots and it seems like this EMU may not be seeing any further updates.
    This Emulator was created by: Hotoke / PSP Wiki

    Sega Genesis ROMs Compatabilty List
    Ok this is what has been listed so Far as working and those that I have found to be working with the Genesis Emulators.

    PSP Genesis

    *The Simpsons Bart vs The Space Mutants
    *Mega Man the Wily Wars
    *Gunstar Heroes
    *After Burner (U)
    *Ayrton Sennas Super Monaco GP (U)
    *California Games (U)
    *Ecco the Dolphin (U)
    *Jungle Book, The (E)
    *Lemmings (E)
    *Marble Madness (U)
    *Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (U) & (E)
    *Indiana Jones and the last Crusade (JE)
    *Frogger (UJ)
    *Lawnmover Man (JUE)
    *Paperboy 1 & 2 (JUE)
    *Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (JUE)
    *Wonderboy III (JUE)
    *Super Hang-On (JUE) (REV01)
    *Rambo III (JUE) (REV01)
    *Tetris (JU)
    *Turbo Outrun (JUE)
    *Outrun (JU)
    *Lotus Turbo Challenge (UE)
    *Lotus 2 RECS (EUJ)
    *Bugs bunny in double trouble (U) -- region must be set & a tad better with cell.. odd gfx(jumps & left/right shake in picture)
    *Mortal Kombat
    *Mortal Kombat II
    *Mortal Kombat 3
    *UMK 3
    *Virtua Fighter 2
    *Shining Force
    *Shining Force 2
    *Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyoutohissen (J) [h1].bin
    *Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden - Makyo Issen (J).bin
    *Sonic 3 & Knuckles
    *Sonic The Hedgehog
    *Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    *Running Pirates! Gold (u)
    *Phantasy Star IV

    Not Working:
    *Desert Strike - return to the gulf
    *Might and Magic III (u)
    *Phantasy Star II (U) (Freezes up when starting a New Game)

    Next We have the Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color and Game Boy Emulators

    Ok at this time Gameboy and Game Boy Color are Emulated together and Game Boy Advanced has its own Emulator. I am going to start with Game Boy Advanced and go down from there.

    Need to Know Information:
    Let me clear this up for those who would ask, The PSP comes UNDERCLOCKED!! at 222mhz. It is made to run at 333mhz but that drains the battery much faster and so Sony Underclocked the PSP's Processor to increase battery life. In all actuality you are not overclocking the processor or harming it, the CPU and all its components were made to run at 333mhz from the day it was made, but since Sony locked it at 222mhz until better batteries are available (And until Gran Turismo 4 comes to PSP) we have to manually turn it back up to the normal speed. So do not be concerned with using this option. However as the PSP EMU's progress you might find that you do not need to clock as high which will help get you better battery life (Or just buy the new battery).

    Game Boy Advanced Section

    This Emulator was created by: PSP Wiki

    This is the only Game Boy Advanced Emulator I know of. It currently is still being worked on but is updated and keeps making progress. It seems to play games although not at full speed yet. No compatability problems have been mentioned as of yet. It does support sound as well.

    The full list of features are:

    Overclocking CPU to 333mhz (Red Screen)
    Auto Frame Skip
    Sound with On/Off feature

    This Emulator was created by: Mr. MIRAKICHI

    The Rin Gameboy + Color Emulator seems to be the Best for the job. It handles every game I have thrown its way be it Super Gameboy, Gameboy or Gameboy Color. It has many features as well as Full Screen and Overclocking.

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    This space for further updates

  4. #4
    PSP User Zeno's Avatar
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    Very nice. I've got a bunch of remaining games to test on UO_SNES when I get home from work, so I'll be adding it to WikiGamers soon.

    Also remember WikiGamers isn't just for SNES, anyone can add/start a list like the SNES one we currently have.

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    Great, I have added a Genesis one here, basically because I had tested 4 games and then found everyone else had been testing to ^-^

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    Sorry for the delay guys, I decided to go with my wife to the inlaws....yuck! But I took the Cube and played Metroid Prime 2 all day so it was ok lol.

    I will add the rest of the Gen EMU's tomorrow I did not forget about the rest ^-^

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cross
    *Final Fantasy 3
    Has major sound issues, the sound starts to distort and ends up in a mess of nasty audio that hurts your ears to listen to.

  8. #8


    Super Bomber 2 man works aswell with a frameskip at 2, transparency off, and cpu at 333mhz but has a weird bug where you cant progress to the next setting, ex. from choosing options for next vs. battle and then getting on to the battle. It looks like it freezes when the screen blacks out but if you enable the sound it'll go on. I just enable it till it loads and then turn off. It goes at a pretty smooth 30fps which is basically fullspeed at a frameskip of 2

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    I have noticed a weird bug with Phantasy Star 2 it stops when u start a new game and its going through the story.

    On FF3 Mine plays the sound fine, the wind is alittle off but I have not noticed anythign else, where r u finding problems?

    I am adding Super Bomber Man to it now

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie watoto's Avatar
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    seiken densetsu 3 works fine now in the new release of the snes emu,they added high-res text support

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