News/release from EO:


I posted a while ago an EDict reader application (rather proof of concept) on this forum, that I kinda droppped due to lack of free time... I had more time to come back to DS coding recently, so Here is "DS KanjiDict" v0.1, a Kanji Dictionary application (yes, yet another one) based on JStroke for input (Kanji recognition) and KanjiDic for the Kanji definitions. It is not much more advanced than the EDict reader, but hopefuly you'll like it. Feedbacks/proposals are welcome in terms of features/graphics/etc (you may have noticed that graphics is not my area).

DS KanjiDict v0.1

Usage :

At the moment it does not do much... Simply draw your Kanji on the bottom left draw area. Then click appropriate Kanji that appeared on one of the buttons on the right (if it was properly recognized of course). This will display its readings, meanings and additional info. Press L to clear the Kanji Draw area.


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