The ploy is simple - find out what gadget or gizmo is most popular, then put up a listing on eBay that makes it look like you're selling it. Only you aren't. You're selling this.
Pic credit: Nottingham PostLook into those eyes. They're the eyes of a man who has been deceived. They're the eyes of a man who has been conned out of £450 ($734 USD).
They're the eyes of a man who read the word "photo" and decided that meant "not a photo".
It's a tale of heartbreak, as reported in the Nottingham Post. 19-year-old Peter Clatworthy thought he was buying an Xbox One but instead he was buying a photo of one.
"It said 'photo' and I was in two minds," Peter told the paper, "but I looked at the description and the fact it was in the right category made me think it was genuine."
We think we can see where he went wrong.
As if the con wasn't bad enough, the crooked eBay seller even trolled their victim: "They'd written on the back of it 'thank you for your purchase'," Peter said. "I was fuming."
Joking aside, we hope the evil man responsible for this is given the karmic equivalent of a swift kick in the plums, because nobody should be pulling this stunt so close to Christmas.
As for Peter, it's good news (otherwise we wouldn't have been quite so sarcastic earlier) - eBay is going to insist the seller gives Peter a full refund by Monday.
"I've had to make a joke out of it because I was that angry," he concluded. "At least we've now got something to laugh about in the years to come."
That's probably a mature way of looking at it. Had it been us, we'd have sent the crook a badly-printed photo of a prison cell.