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Thread: Difference Between VGA Cable and VGA Box???

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Difference Between VGA Cable and VGA Box???

    ya, whats the difference between the two, i know ones a box and ones a cable, but why is there the two. On the back of the games there is either one or the other or both, so why the two, theres gotta be a difference.

  2. #2


    Well, I think your standard *cable* still has a box on it. There are certain resistors and diodes that have to be in place. A box generally refers to a homebrew cable, and an internal VGA box is generally a VGA circuit hard soldered to the DC motherboard so you can swicth from A/V to VGA when desired.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    on the back of the Dreamcast game case, it shows on most games the accessories associated withthe game. Most games have a VGA Cable icon and also a VGA box icon. They invented the two for a reason, Y?

  4. #4
    Dream Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morph
    A box generally refers to a homebrew cable,
    no it doesnt. There are two different kinds of ways to get vga with the DC, one is a cable, just like svideo or composite or rf, it is just a cable that has vga output (and sometimes and input for passthrough). A vga box is a box that plugs into the DC A/V port and has headphone jacks, RCA+S-video outputs, and a vga output with a switch that lets you choose which you want (tv style or PC style). The biggest difference is that with the vga box, you have an alternative for games that do not work with just vga.

    Here is the official DC vga box:

    and Here is an example of a DC vga cable:

  5. #5


    well, quzar > me, so his explaination is much better :/. Of course, I have never bothered to invest into a VGA cable or box since I can easily build one for the fraction of the price.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    mxz600, what is your obsession with VGA on the DC? its getting creepy

    I have never bothered to invest into a VGA cable or box since I can easily build one for the fraction of the price.
    Just by using a tutorial... like mine! now lets all go there and build a VGA adaptor!

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    haha, no, im not an obsesive compulsive, but lately i have had some time on my hands so i research before i buy. Forums are the best place to find information amongst the endless sea of Crap on the internet. It seems that quzar is right, the cable is just that, a cable direct with hookups, the box gives the option for other hookups such as svideo and so on. thanks guys.

  8. #8


    ptr, i would but i actually found a shop down the street who sells the IC's for the original schematic. XD

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