The staff of DCEmu UK would like to apologize to forum members: Safari Al & Swimkid.

In the past, we’ve had problems with certain users creating alternate accounts, most of the time with the same IP address, as a way to bypass a ban (also known as ban evasion). Because this occurred numerous times, we, the staff of DCEmu UK, created an unofficial rule stating that users aren’t allowed multiple accounts on the forum.

Lately, there had been a lot of spam posts in a thread by 2 different usernames on the forum. By doing an IP check, we were able to determine that both IP addresses from the 2 usernames matched. vBulletin (the forum software on DCEmu UK) showed that there was one single IP address recorded as the registration IP address for 4 different user names (including those 2 usernames) as well as 2-3 alternate IP addresses per username, which were unique to only those usernames. Among the alternate IP addresses was one that matched Safari Al, as well as Swimkid.

Because one was connected to Safari Al, we automatically assumed that it was another alternate account, thus banning him. However, we failed to do proper research on the forums, as well as doing an IP address scan. Because Safari Al has multiple non-proxy IP addresses on the forums, we cannot fully verify that he is also VampBri-n. The same applies for Swimkid.

Basically, there can't be a solid “multiple account per IP” rule, as various conflicting scenarios exist: members that could access the site on a school network, friends sharing a single computer, or family sharing a single computer. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope you can once again enjoy participating in the numerous discussions here on DCEmu UK.

DCEmu UK Staff

P.S. To all other members: any more personal insults or flaming concerning this past issue will result in a heavy infraction.