via Computer and Video Games

Bizarre Creations has detailed the 57-song soundtrack for Project Gotham Racing 4, due out exclusively on 360 from 12th October.

PGR4 is also fronted by an exclusive song written and performed by The Prodigy called Shadow, which plays on the various menus and over the credits.

Cleverly, the sound team isolated little loops of the electronic track and made it so that entering a new menu initiates a slightly different phase of the song, giving you the sense of progressing through a tune rather than just listing to a jingle on repeat. It's like Rez for menus, innit.

What's more, if you stick around on the main menu for long enough without doing anything, the game just starts jamming, spitting out variations on Shadow with gay abandon.

Elsewhere on the soundtrack, there's a familiar mixture of various genres and styles, and the game will allow you to switch playlists off and on by genre, or individual song within a genre playlist, so if you don't like hip hop but do enjoy a particular song, you can make sure that stays in the mix.

It's all part of a push to avoid having people race in and opt for custom soundtracks - although this being 360, that is of course an option.

For more on the audio side of Gotham, as well as all the other sides, watch the site in the coming days. The full track-list follows. Apologies for typos if there are any - the bloody train is swinging from side to side whose bright idea was that.

View the full soundtrack list here