via devfr

Here this completes version of the Superpong! , my game homebrew based on classic pong but with many but extra ones. They have been corrected most of failures of constant wonderful previous versions and flows to 60fps.


- In the way 2 players, first stick with crosspiece moves his arrives and down and the second with the bellboys B and X. Each player plays holding a side of the console.

- When one of both players obtains 5, 15, 25, 35, etc. points, the screen will begin to rotate until a player puts goal, doing but difficult to be able to stop the ball.

- When one of both players obtains 10, 20 30, 40, etc. points, which appears in the screens interchanged between a screen and another 2 times per second also making difficult stopping the ball, that is to say, the game board wrath appearing in the screen of above and down alternating itself until goal puts.

- When the ball happens through the star of the center, I complete player who has touched to the ball with his stick, it activated the way to him bonus and it happened to handle the ball freely dragging it with stylus by the touch screen. In order to be able to drag the ball, it is necessary to maintain pressed R or L according to the player. That is to say, if the first player (the one that handles the left part of the console) is the one that has touched the ball I complete, tendra that to maintain pressed L and while to drag the ball, to put goal easily. The same with the second player but with button R. The way bonus disappears in a second as of which the ball leaves the star of the center, reason why is necessary to be fast.

- The background music this in format PCM and, although I have put it in the smaller possible quality, causes that the game occupies but of which deberia.

Characteristics of the final version:

- To return to the main menu, Select presses while you are in pause.

- Or this activated the menu options, in which there is the possibility of activating or of deactivating music.

- Multitude of corrected failures, including the ralentizaciones in the image and music.

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