via Eurogamer

Developer NetDevil is making its online first-person shooter Warmonger, Operation: Downtown Destruction free to download from 16th October.

It was announced earlier this year as a proof of concept game - a technology taster for a bigger, secret MMO project. This was later revealed to be LEGO Universe, a virtual world based on the popular building-block toy.

Warmonger is set in a post apocalyptic world and challenges you to shoot other people until they are dead.

Its key area is the Ageia PhysX-powered, er, physics, which turns boring old scenery into useful an usable objects - firing a rocket into the ceiling will make a bloody great hole anyone above will fall through, for example.

"First person shooter environments have remained largely static for years. Ageia PhysX has changed all that, and changed it profoundly," said Scott Brown, president of NetDevil.

"New rigid body technology and procedural destruction of game environments set the stage for dynamic content creation that will literally transform the way people think and play."

Your arsenal will be made up of weaponry like rocket launchers, assault rifles that lob grenades, and a shielded and mountable mini-gun - we think you mount it on things rather than climb on top of it.

These can be used to do the killing on varied maps such as an old shopping center, subway station, parking garage, industrial sector or an old underground staging area.

With Unreal Engine 3 under the hood and no money involved, it's hard not to recommend for a lonely October night. But then Team Fortress 2 is due out just four days earlier. So, um.

NetDevil was responsible for the now extinct MMO Auto Assault, a Mad Max-like game where you raced around in cars with big guns on.

Keep an eye on the Warmonger website for a list of download locations closer to October.