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Thread: TGS '07: MGS, Wii top Konami press event

  1. #1
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    ps3 TGS '07: MGS, Wii top Konami press event

    Japanese publisher shows off Metal Gear Solid 4 at Asia's biggest game event in Tokyo, reveals series of Wii fitness games, Winning Eleven, and more.

    [12:27] Ah, the big moment--Hideo Kojima comes out to present Metal Gear Solid 4. First, a new trailer. No English interpretation provided on this one. Bear with us, folks.

    [12:28] First we see a character who's probably Naomi Hunter, talking frantically about the Foxdie virus into the camera, as if someone is approaching.

    [12:34] Okay, we haven't seen that much concentrated craziness since MGS4 was unveiled. Give us a moment to digest. Konami has promised you'll be seeing a nice clean version of this trailer online once TGS starts.

    [12:48] Yeah, so how about that MGS4 trailer? It was totally nuts. TOTALLY.

    [12:49] Okay, we've got a script for that trailer right here in front of us. In English. Joy!

    [12:50] In that first scene with Dr. Hunter, she talks about how Liquid Snake is holding her prisoner and forcing her to hijack the "system" because she knows how Foxdie works. She begs Snake to rescue her.

    Hideo Kojima takes the stage to talk a whole lot about Metal Gear.[12:53] The next scene showed Meryl, the bald African-American character from previous trailers named Ed, and a few other armed soldiers moving cautiously through an enclosed car park. Meryl says "These guys are Liquid's private army. Shoot first, think later." They soon engage in a firefight with a number of soldiers in metallic, futuristic armored suits, before Solid Snake emerges from the shadows and saves the team.

    [12:54] Meryl talks about the network of nanomachines in each of her soldiers' bodies, which allows her and her team to literally share each other's senses and "operate as one."

    [12:56] All throughout these sequences, titles popped onscreen: "Final Chapter of the Metal Gear Saga."

    [12:56] "Final Mission of Snake."

    [12:56] "Finally, Everything Will Be Revealed!"

    [12:58] Next up, we see Snake talking to a slightly shady new character who calls himself Drebin. The guy's a "gun launderer" who takes the genetically-encoded weapons of MGS4's future private military companies and unlocks them for use by anyone. The guy describes himself as "neither enemy, nor friend," but it sounds like his services will come in pretty handy. The guy apparently likes to keep a small primate around with him. Comic relief, anyone?

    [1:00] Snake questions Drebin on the identity of the Patriots, asking if they're even human. "Not anymore, they ain't." Then we get shots of a strange little girl named Sunny, who Otacon says was taken by the Patriots at birth.

    [1:03] Snake encounters an older, wrinkled blonde woman who compliments his close-quarters combat technique. She says "Call me Mama. Big Mama." But this script we've got reveals her name as Eva! Seems like everyone in any Metal Gear, ever, is showing up in this purported last installment.

    [1:06] Excitement in the trailer reaches fever pitch by this time. Finally we see Snake taking a stand against Revolver Ocelot/Liquid Snake, who appears to be piloting the same Metal Gear RAY unit he was last seen escaping in at the end of MGS2.

    [1:06] Lastly, dialogue between Naomi and Sunny, during which Sunny says "Her name was Olga... my mother." See? Every character ever.

    For the Full Konami TGS Report:;title;1

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    Now I'm waiting for the secret Wii version that Kojima started developing after he talked with Sakurai.

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