PS4 boasts biggest sales, Xbox One is 'fastest selling' after latest NPD figures
Both Sony and Microsoft are using the latest round of NPD figures to claim their respective consoles outsold the other in North America.
The somewhat comical back-and-forth over sales figures picks up where it left off with Microsoft announcing that it had sold two million units of the new Xbox One since launch 18 days ago.
Sony, by comparison, sold 2.1 million PS4s in 16 days after launch – only two of which included European sales.
This isn't nearly as one-sided as it looks since Sony has still technically reached more markets than Microsoft (32 to 13) but this only means the console manufacturers are doing their best to bend the data in their favor.
"PlayStation 4 sales in North America and worldwide have been incredibly strong since launch, culminating in PS4 being recognized as the largest console launch in history,”said Sony Computer Entertainment America President and CEO Jack Tretton.
“In North America alone, more than one million PS4 units were sold in only 24 hours and we're pleased NPD has reported that PS4 was the top selling next gen platform for both hardware and software in November. We are humbled by the passion and excitement demonstrated by gamers for PS4. Demand continues to overwhelm supply, but we're working hard to get PS4 units into the hands of customers throughout the holiday season."
Tweets from Microsoft's fan-favorite marketer Larry Hryb – better known as Major Nelson – pointed to the same figures to say that the Xbox One was the faster selling of the two consoles at 101,000 units per day in North America.
It's tough to say if either company actually has an edge at this point, but what is certain is that Microsoft doesn't have the same North American dominance over Sony it enjoyed last generation.
Since both consoles are sold out at many locations it might be each company's supply chain that determines the winner in the opening months of the console war.
On the other hand, software and service sales should be the dominant factor in showing a financial winner – and that news will have to wait until Microsoft and Sony release their sales figures for the quarter.