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Thread: [Guide] How to Create a PSX Eboot From a PSX ISO

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie ice_storme's Avatar
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    psp [Guide] How to Create a PSX Eboot From a PSX ISO

    Already created a PSX ISO from your game disc? Where do you go from here to get the game running on the Sony PSP, you ask? Well my friends, you found the right tutorial right here. Follow the step by step process below and you'll be playing that old PSone game you loved so dearly long ago on your PSP handheld. *Note: Theses PSX eboot files will only work on a PSP thats running a custom firmware.*

    Step 1: Download the software below if you don't have it already.

    IceTea 1.3 -

    Step 2: Extract the software to your PC and run the IceTea application.

    Step 3: You will see the main window open that displays all the basic tasks needed to create the eboot from the PSX ISO. *Supported File Types: (*.img) , (*.iso) , (*.bin)* In the "PSX Image" box, select the PSX image you made using Alcohol 52% or Alcohol 120% (See supported file types) Once you have selected the PSX image you want to convert, the "Game ID" & "Game Title" boxes should fill in with info automatically. If they do, skip to Step 5. If the boxes don't fill in automatically, continue to Step 4.

    Step 4: Enter the Unique Game ID into the boxes. It's a four letter prefix & 5 digits. This number can be found on the actual PSone game disc. (Example: SLUS55124 or SCUS55124) Next, enter the name of the eboot as it will be shown in the XMB in the "Game Title" box. (Example: Parasite Eve (Disc 1) [NTSC-U] or C&C Red Alert (Allies Disc) [NTSC-U])

    Step 5: In the "Compression" box, move the slider to best compression. This makes the eboot file size a lot smaller. It doesn't affect the gameplay or performance of the PSX eboot whatsoever.

    Step 6: In the "Output Directory" box, set where you would like to save your soon to be created eboot file. (Desktop usually is a good idea) Finally, hit the "Let's Go" tab and sit back for a couple minutes while your eboot file is being created. After the file is created, it'll be saved to the directory or folder you chose.

    Step 7: Create a new folder titled the name of the game you just converted into an eboot. (Example: Parasite Eve or C&C Red Alert) Place the eboot into that folder. The game is now ready to be transfered to the PSP.

    Step 8: Place the folder with the eboot you created in it inside the following directory on the PSP: MS0:/PSP/GAME (Example: MS0:/PSP/GAME/Parasite Eve/EBOOT.PBP) Disconnect the PSP from your PC, scroll over to the Game option in the XMB and you should see your PSX game. Thats all there is to it. The P.O.P.S. (Playstation One Portable Station - Sony's offical PSX emulator built-in their newer firmwares and almost ALL custom firmwares 3.03 OE-C & above) is fully adjustable, adjust the settings of the playstation emulator by pressing the home button on the PSP. Here you can change the screen size, control scheme, disc speed, volume, and brightness options.

    Tip: If the eboot isn't playing properly, you may need to update your firmware to a newer version to receive the latest P.O.P.S emulator. (Example: Dark_AleX 3.30 OE-A to Dark_AleX 3.40 OE-A or Team M33 3.51-7 to Team M33 3.52-4) With each new firmware, Sony updates their emulation software for more support.
    Tip: Once you load the PSX eboot on your PSP for the 1st time, it will automatically generate a "Save Game" file in the Save Data Utillity inside the "Game" tab of the XMB. This file saves your custom P.O.P.S. settings as well as acts as original PSone memory card(s).

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Unhappy Cant play generated eboot

    Hi, i got myself a Vagrant Story mds/mdf package, converted it to ISO, and did as told in the tutorial... so, the eboot was generated successfuly... but when i try to play it on PSP it shows a splash screen with some "Loading POPS" text (i can't remember exactly), fades and then stops on a black screen and nothing else happens... i have the 3.40-OE firmware in my PSP, been googling and i have read that the POPS "emulator" is supposed to come with the 3.40-OE firmware... any idea of what may be happening?, or what firmware/program/thing do i need to make it work?, thank you all in advance!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Keopx View Post
    Hi, i got myself a Vagrant Story mds/mdf package, converted it to ISO, and did as told in the tutorial... so, the eboot was generated successfuly... but when i try to play it on PSP it shows a splash screen with some "Loading POPS" text (i can't remember exactly), fades and then stops on a black screen and nothing else happens... i have the 3.40-OE firmware in my PSP, been googling and i have read that the POPS "emulator" is supposed to come with the 3.40-OE firmware... any idea of what may be happening?, or what firmware/program/thing do i need to make it work?, thank you all in advance!
    I had the very same problem with the same game. I have the 3.71 m33-2 FW.

    BUT now, I figured it out. First of all I would advice you to find another copy of Vagrant Story (believe, there's lots of it). Any other that will need no conversion for IceTea to run it. That would be any ISO, IMG or BIN.
    At first I used to convert all my images to ISO and, guess what, none worked.

    In my last attempt to work things around, I tried to convert my vagrant_story.IMG directly for eboot (with IceTea), without previously convert it to ISO.

    Mate... it WORKED! :thumbup:

    I hope that helps you. Really, I do. I've created an account just to try to help you out! Good Luck!

    Excuse my humble english.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Would this work on PSP Slim running m33 3.71-2 firmware? And is there anything else that needs to be installed first?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie superfly's Avatar
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    I would like to know the same, cause I cant get any psx game to work and i have read and reread this guide and I still haven't figured out why it gos black after the pops flash screen

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Same thing happens to me. I've tried about 5 so far, and none work. Plus, I've ripped half of the iso's from my own CD's.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default psx-psp slim

    I am also having the same issue with loading the psx games on my slim 3.71m33-2. I read somewhere that you need to download some plugins to get this to work, can anyone help me with this?

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default solution

    for those of you trying to get this to work on a slim 3.71m33-2 psp, you should put the EBOOT file in the PSP\GAME folder NOT the PSP\GAME371 folder, i couldn't get the EBOOT to load so i tried putting it in the PSP\GAME folder & it worked great, i have only tested one game so far though, FF7 & i had no problems. I hope this helps. :thumbup:

  9. #9


    thanks to this guide im finally able to play my backups on my psp.

  10. #10


    -_- i cant do it idk why its just corpt data *and yes i do have 3.71m33-2 so wth???

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