
DolphinFX v1.40 is released. DolphinFX is a WIP shader suite for Dolphin's OpenGL backend.

Current effects include:
HQ FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing)
NFAA (Normal Filter Anti Aliasing)
High Pass Bloom
Per-Channel Gamma Correction
Scene Tone Mapping
RGB Colour Correction
S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
Texture Sharpening
Toon Shader
Bicubic & Bilinear Filtering
You can enable, or disable each effect from inside the shader file. Everything is customizable. Settings are clearly sectioned, and labeled. Use the documentation comments for instructions on each option.

To Install:
Extract DolphinFX to your Dolphin-> \Sys\Shaders folder. Then enable the shader in the OpenGL graphics options->enhancements->post-processing effect->DolphinFX.

To Edit Settings:
Open DolphinFX.glsl in a text editor. I recommend Notepad++. It will look crazy messy if you use regular notepad to edit. You could also use an IDE to edit it, if you like. You can enable, disable, and customize various options for each effect. The default setup is neutral. Which tries to enhance the game's visuals without changing the overall tone & feel of it. If you're not happy with the default setup, there are plenty of settings to customize everything to your liking.

DolphinFX v1.40 changelog:
FXAA has now been completed.
-FXAA: now has accurate alpha calculations, the algorithm is now based on full alpha-based luma detection. Previously It would only output correctly in Dolphin, using the green component as luma.
-FXAA: added early exit pathing. [luma edge detection, and fullscreen anti aliasing].
-FXAA: due to the above alpha changes, subpixel detection is improved, you are now accurately able to use 0.0 FxaaSubpixMax to achieve a completely edge-only based anti aliasing, with no visible blurring whatsoever.
NFAA: updated & improved NFAA texture tapping, and samples, the settings have slightly altered because of this. (I'm considering just removing NFAA tbh. It's a bit redundant, and inferior to the HQ FXAA in general)
Gaussian Filtering: texture taps have been improved and slightly reworked, with slightly improved offsetting also.
Blended Bloom: slightly improved the bloom blend output.
-Blended Bloom: reworked BloomMixType 3. Mixing coefficients are now based on alpha values instead of the r component. produces better results.
-Blended Bloom: improved the blending power of the bloom glow, it now produces nicer results. new options are [0 or 1].
-Blended Bloom: added the option BloomLift, which adds the option of extra y axis offsetting to the bloom blend. Can increase the prominence of light reflecting on objects.
Texture Sharpening: Updated, and slighly improved the 9-tap sampling, and bias.
-Texture Sharpening: removed the option to use color for edge calculations. It wasn't working as well as I thought, and was inferior to luma detection.
Cel Shading: Toon shading has been completely rewritten, and is now called Cel Shading (not 100% accurate, as I don't have lighting, and depth info, but it's the best I can do with the limitations I have.). Using RGB & YUV luminance calculations with rounded blending of color components.
-Cel Shading: Improved Cel edge calculations, and output.
-Cel Shading: new options are as follows: EdgeStrength, EdgeFilter, EdgeThickness, PaletteType, UseYuvLuma, LumaConversion, ColorRounding. See in-shader documentation commenting for info on each.
Scanlines: updated, and improved scanlines a bit, also reworked, and added some new options.
Fixed some luminance, & clamping issues with various effects.
Removed the f suffix on floating point values.
Reordered the pseudo pass order of the main, for better merging of effects.
Various other small coding improvements.