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Thread: What do you think?

  1. #1

    Default What do you think?

    *I very sorry. I put this in the wrong forum by accident. Can someone please move this to general. TY!

    Ok, so I have a DS and a PSP. Both with homebrew. After watching the E3 coverage there are some great games coming out for both systems. What system should i buy new games for (upgrade firmware/os) and lose the homebrew? I like the way homebrew stuff runs better on PSP, but the games im most interested in are also on the PSP (yes yoshi touch-and-go didn’t cut it for a 27 year old gamer).

    I could always play the waiting game to see if/when a new hack comes out then make my decision (with used or reduced prices too), but my addictive personality will prob get the best of me and i'll have to get the newest hottest games for one of the systems.

    I've searched to find more info on DS hacks and games but the scene doesn’t seem to be as strong as PSP. I don't know.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie Velo's Avatar
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    I'd go with the PSP games. I'm sure that somone will come out with hacks. They are already working on a sytem that works off the memory cards. Plus, Sony speculates that the later versions of the PSP will probably include email,voice chat, word processing, and even have talked about upgrading the media player.

    Avoiding the updates is going to be too much work and not enough fun. Thats what you bought your PSP for, right? fun? We all remember FUN. Like when we gave our friends some sheep milk replacer just to see them gag.

    You looked for hacks for a DS? You must'ev been desperate.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro RedKing14CA's Avatar
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    Question nintendo dual screen / playstation pocket

    i had a nintendo ds, but i sold it on ebay to get my psp.... but three weeks ago i bought a ds on ebay.... and it still is not here... and the guy i bought it from wont respond to any of my e-mails..... so i filled an item not received thing......... the only reason i have for geting the ds, is the chat, the easy game sharing, and zelda.....

    the psp however, is the homebrew, and the awsome ps2 style games.....

    however, these awsome games require me to update my firmware.... so what am i gonna do? bend over and take it like a desprate $#@!? no, ill sit back biting my fingernails, not buying any games, waiting for the firmware downgrade...... so if i were you trips, i'd only buy games i knew didn't update the firware until the downgrader comes out.....

    i was thinking of getting coded arms next, is it any good?

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