via Computer and Video Games

With just a few hours to wait before you can walk into a store (other than Argos) and buy your shiny copy of Halo 3, we thought you might like to see this: the most extreme Halo-themed case modding we've seen.

What you're looking at is the work of a UK-based, Halo-loving artist, known as 'Craget', who added a few of his own touches to his Halo limited edition 360.

The bottom bit is a base cooler artistically made to look like a rocky surface, and he's added two LED lights to give the face of the 360 that blue effect, then stuck on some awesome Master Chief action figures for effect.

It doesn't do any good for the console's portability but who cares when it looks this good. And if you're not quite so artistic keep an eye on eBay, where he'll be selling it soon.

Photographs of the mod here