It's a big day for Renegade Kid with both its first-person horror/action game Dementium 2 and its retro platformer Mutant Mudds receiving enhanced ports to new platforms.The more exciting release for many will be Dementium 2 HD, the spruced up PC release of its 2010 DS spook-fest. Available on Steam for 25 per cent off until 2nd January (£8.99 / $11.25 rather than £11.99 / $14.99), this HD release features drastically improved lighting, character models, audio, and revamped controls that wouldn't have been possible with the DS's single D-pad.EG-contributor Matt Edwards once wrote "Dementium 2 represents one of the better survival horror experiences on a system not known for its support of the genre," in his mildly favourable Dementium 2 review. Though he also noted that "it doesn't do enough to feel particularly inspired or original."