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Thread: use an ipod for an external Hard Drive For the PSP

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Lightbulb use an ipod for an external Hard Drive For the PSP

    i was thinkin to myself as u do and just wanted to no since i hav an ipod and can use it to carrry data awell as mp3s (cos who has 4000 songs well i dont ) can i use my ipod as an external hard drive for the psp and hook it up like so

    psp little usb (i dont no wat there called) to a female/female usb to the ipod bottom or top usb

    also has any1 done anythin like this b4

    help would be nice

  2. #2


    Hey so is this topic covered anywhere? I have a 20Gig ipod i don't really use for anything but portable storage, i'd sure love to fill it with video's or emulators/roms and access this powered hard drive through the usb port on the psp. Anyone?

  3. #3


    This has been covered at least a few times...perhaps trying a "Search" (on the blue "command bar") through the forums will provide more info

    If you've used your USB on your PSP to connect to you PC at all you would realize that unless you have some kind of interface on your IPOD to connect to a portable storage device this isn't really possible. I don't have an IPOD so I really don't know what it can/can't do...but since both the PSP and the IPOD are "external HDDs" it's not really workable with the software on them now. It's possible that a program will be made for the PSP that will make this a reality in the future...and Team Xecuter is working on "something" to use better external storage for the PSP though what exactly that will be we'll just have to wait and see. Check these posts for more info.

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