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Thread: PSPX - Mass Storage Converter

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default PSPX - Mass Storage Converter

    Awesome News from <a href="" target="_blank" >Team Xecuter</a> :

    <BLOCKQUOTE>For some time now we have been working hard on a PSP hack. If you remember we never said it was a modchip or anything that could boot dumped games or homebrew (currently you have psp-dev and the WAB team to thank for these breakthroughs). In fact what we designed was our own development hardware to tap into every aspect of the PSP, from the Memory Stick port through to its NAND flash memory and infrastructure.

    As there are more and more homebrew applications and games and other exciting developments within the growing PSP scene there is obviousley a need for more storage - and with that comes a heavy price. The cost of a 2Gb DUO memory stick can cost over $400 !

    However, what if you could use a Smart Media Card, Compact Flash Card, SD Card, USB Flash Drive or even a USB HDD !

    Well it's possible. We are developing a simple plug in device where you can expand the PSP Memory Stick Port to connect to several other memory devices, thus saving massive costs and giving you a multitude of storage options for your PSP no matter what you wish to play with be it games, web browsers, ebooks, music players, media managers and much more !

    Using this same development kit we have been able to downgrade v1.52 / v1.51 down to v1.50 or even a v1.00 with no problems whatsoever. We can also tell you its easily possible to patch the kernel to be able to boot anything you like without any type of software loader. It can be acheived in both a modchip AND a non-modchip form so no doubt teams like WAB and others will have solutions for you in the coming weeks as the methods to achieve this are indeed known by others - we are simply confirming its very possible. Before anyone makes a rumour - no Xecuter is not doing any form of modchip for the PSP - it will be a waste of time as every patch can be achieved without the need for this. However maybe certain dealers will have capabilities to downgrade your PSP firmware for you - or to repair PSP's damaged by the over zealous hacker - who knows ?

    On a final note good luck to teams like WAB and PSP-DEV - they are worth supporting.

    Here is a picture of our pspx dev kit (this version is v0.2 we are currently on v0.5, some things we like to keep internal for now). You may notice an Ethernet connection too </BLOCKQUOTE>

  2. #2


    wow this is great news. can't wait to see this in action

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie Posty's Avatar
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    Simply put, amazing.

    It's a sight to see that they will be able to tap into all aspects of the PSP, and be able to give the PSP scene many new discoveries that will lead to many extraordinary homebrew softwares which will be able to take advantage of many of the PSPs functions, even more than are available now.

    Plus, I love the fact that I'll be able to use my 512mb compact flash card ^_^ Thanks to the "plug" they are creating.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    On a final note good luck to teams like WAB and PSP-DEV - they are worth supporting.

    I was disapointed in this statment. everything else sounds pretty cool.

  5. #5


    Woooow!! That looks like an awfully big add-on ...I'm assuming it's gotten smaller by now though. I'd just be happy with the ability to use other mc formats, but I'm very excited to see what they come up with.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie Fly On's Avatar
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    I wonder how much they will cost? Hopefully they will also have a tutorial on how to make the plug yourself.
    Splendid news overall.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie yakumo's Avatar
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    Price!!! Release date!!! I want it bad! 8)~. Mmm, first Neoflash for DS, now this for the PSP... I'm gonna turn poor when it comes the time of buying those precious gadgets, but it will pay the cost.


  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Wow, i think that its an amazing development. But this is a problem, since Team Xecuter (which by the way has done some great thing son the psp and xbox) is not a big company. To mass produce this product in a clean small package will be a challenge and not to mention the fact that it would be considered illegal. I think that the only way that anyone will get a hold of it is through Team Xecuter which will have to upgrade the design and figure out a way to mass produce this. Its sad news to my ears and yours but i think it wont be 8 months until you or me will see this wonderful device attached to the USB port on our psp's


  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro RedKing14CA's Avatar
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    Question Where is the psp?

    what is all that stuff, i see a memory stick ms adaptor, and alotof things, but how does the psp come in??? wouldnt you have to buy all those wires n stuff? im so noobish.....

    do you connect it where the memory stick would go or what? dude.....

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by tanner090
    I think that the only way that anyone will get a hold of it is through Team Xecuter which will have to upgrade the design and figure out a way to mass produce this.
    The GBA PortableMonopoly/Afterburner light mod was tossed out into the marketplace pretty quickly.

    Anyway, I'd expect Sony to have a 1.53 update online within the next two days.

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