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Thread: Intel To Rebrand Processors In 2008

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games Intel To Rebrand Processors In 2008

    via Slashdot

    DJ notes that TechARP has up a look at Intel's plans to rebrand their processors, including what must be a leaked internal chart of the old and new landscape of product names. This story doesn't seem to have been picked up anywhere else yet. Quoting:

    "We just heard from an anonymous source that Intel will be rebranding their processors in 2008... These new brand names will come into effect on the first day of 2008. Intel hopes that these new brands will not only leverage the strong Core 2 brand but also make it less confusing for the consumer. At the moment, the Intel Centrino mobile platform has five different logos with brands like Centrino, Centrino Duo and Centrino Pro. Starting from January 1, 2008, Intel will consolidate the Centrino Duo and Centrino brands under the Intel Centrino brand, and rename the Centrino Pro as Intel Centrino with vPro Technology."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular mastersho's Avatar
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    Yeah renaming it will only change the name..not the power or the price...that's just dumb Intel.

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