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Thread: NeoCDPSP v0.1

  1. #61
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Zipped games error ipl.txt

    If i run the game in a non compressed form all is good, but if run it in zipped form i have always the ipl.txt error.
    I think this is a bug.

  2. #62
    DCEmu Newbie cdrdj's Avatar
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    Default Emulator can't find Bin File

    I keep getting the can't load bin file. I extracted the League Bowling Iso and zipped up the contents. Then i took the mp3 file and put it in a folder. I then added the two files into a zip. Then when i try to play it, it says cant load the .bin file. I checked all the contents of the zip and i found no file with the .bin extension. Maybe i have a bad Iso or am extracting it wrong? Also cheked Kof99 and didn't see any .bin files.

  3. #63

    Default Sesame Streeting it for everyone

    OK. I have been watching this thread for the last two days and no one else seems to be able to put in plain English an "A" to "Z" step guide for this emulator.

    Just like so many of you I fiddled with getting this emulator running and through trial and error know how it now works.

    Below is a Kiddy Grade version of the steps you need to follow in order to run these games and/or music.
    ******* Before you start any of these steps, you MUST first aquire the "neocd.bin" bios file from the internet somewhare (since it is copyrighted it is illegal to own and is up to you to find without my help). This boots the emulator and without it you can't do any of the following**************

    (a). this can be done easily if you own a neo-cd game or have a backup of one. (will cover ISO versions in a minute)

    (b) put game in your cd drive, "right click" cd drive and choose to "explore" CD game.)

    (c) You should see an assortment of file types with these extensions (.PRG, .SPR, etc.) These are the raw game files of the NEO-CD only.

    (d) THIS STEP IS ONLY FOR THOSE WITH "ISO" IMAGES OF A NEO-CD GAME. (if you downloaded an image of a neo-cd game you will most likely have some music files and 1 iso image file. make sure that you have either "win-zip" or "winrar" so that you can unpack this ISO image file. "right click" ISO file and choose to "extract files" into a folder using either the "winrar" or "winzip" program. Once done this will give you a folder containing the same files you would get if you had an original Neo-cd and just copied the data files from it like in steps (a) - (c).

    (a) Now that you have the Raw date files from the CD you need to put them in the proper folder layout.

    (b) The emulator itself should have this folder stucture by default before you add any games or music files to it.
    (E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp) The "E" just represents what drive my psp chose. Yours might be a different letter but the rest should be the same.

    (c) Under the "neocdpsp" folder mentioned above you will want to creat a new folder describing what game it is you have the files for.
    ex. (E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\King of Fighters 99) It does not matter what folder name you give this, just make sure you can identify wich game folder is which.

    (d) You will now want to move the files we aquired in steps (a) - (d) of part 1 of this explination into this fodler. For example I would move all these files into the "King of Fighters 99" folder if that was the game I got from either an original Neo-CD or extracted from the ISO image I found on the NET.

    (a) In real simple terms:
    all the steps you have just followed up until this point basicly add up to you copying the Neo-CD game files themselves to a folder for this emulator to recognize. you could run this game now if you want but only the game will play. We have not moved any of the music over to the emulator, so you will basicly be playing a silent version of the game.

    (a) this part is somewhat tricky as I have gotten mixed results depending on the method of doing it.

    (b) I have only tried games with music that have been confirmed to work by other people on this sight so I don't waste time with incompatle games and or music.

    (c) The only music I have been able to run successfully is music that I aquired with an ISO image that I downloaded from the internet. I have tried mp3 encoding the music from my original copy of the same game with no good results.

    (d) I noticed that the ISO image version of the music is mp3 encoded at a rate of 326kb. No Cue sheet or other text file seems to be needed for the emulator to recognize which song to play when.

    (e) sine my mp3 encoding software does not support a kb rate that high I don't have any means to test if this is the only kb rate this emulator supports. Your kind of on your own on this matter.

    (f) as far as the folder structure for the music I can explain that to you. You will want to creat a folder called neocd.mp3 under the game folder it relates to. for example (E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\King of Fighters 99\neocd.mp3) This folder belongs under the folder of the game the music is intended for. *** THIS IS A FOLDER CALLED "neocd.mp3" NOT A MUSIC FILE OR OTHER TYPE OF FILE, DON'T GET CONFUSED JUST BECAUSE IT HAS A .MP3 EXTENTION ON ITS NAME*****

    (g) lastely, once you have compressed all the music files from a spacific Neo-cd game you will place all the mp3 files in the associated "neocd.mp3" folder for that game.

    If all has gone correct, you will be playing your neo games real soon. I cannot guarrantee the music portion of this guide will work for you as I do not know where and how you have aquired the music files for SED game.

    Best of luck to you! ^_^

  4. #64
    DCEmu Newbie
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    What are some games that you guys would reccomend? I need MOOORE!!!!

  5. #65


    im having a hard time finding tha neo geo cd iso can any one help me with this i been looking every where but i cant find it . i can find tha rom but it seem like it dont work

  6. #66
    DCEmu Newbie
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    This is a list of all Neo Geo CD games.

    KOF series, Metal Slug, Last Blade etc. etc. are what the Neo Geo is all about.

  7. #67

    Default ADD on to Sesame Street notes

    Oh! I almost forgot.

    Here are a couple of other pointers that will help.

    1. once you aquire the "neocd.bin" bios file you will want to put it in the root folder of the emulator. for example E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\King of Fighters 99\neocd.mp3 You would place it in the "neocdpsp" folder so the emulator can recognize it upon startup.

    2. If you have downloaded a .zip file for a Neo-Geo game that contains .rom files and not .SPR and .PRG files you have downloaded the CARTRIDGE version of the game and not the CD version. These files will NOT run on this emulator!

    3. If you are constently getting .txt and .bin errors I would recomend aquireing another copy of the "neocd.bin" file from a different website as the one you have downloaded may be somewhat deffective.

    Good Luck!

  8. #68


    i got tha neo bin but can u help me find tha neo geo cd game hook it up with a link to find sum

  9. #69
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    I don't think links are allowed, but I just used bittorrent. Because it actually has what it says it has.

  10. #70
    DCEmu Newbie
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    ^If it's not against the rules can you recommend some good torrent sites?

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