via Eurogamer

Microsoft has distanced itself from rumours that it will be splitting with Halo developer Bungie, claiming it never said anything of the sort.

"There's been no such announcement," a spokesperson told us. "We continue to celebrate the tremendous success of the global phenomenon that is Halo 3."

The unsubstantiated claim came from a blog linked to the Seattle Post-Intelligence, which heard from an unidentified "friend in the know" that an announcement on the separation was imminent - apparently Bungie is fed up with just making Halo games.

But the holes in the evidence are vast and varied: the author of post that started it all is Jacob Metcalf (enjoying some publicity) who isn't a member of the usually reliable Seattle Post-Intelligence newspaper, which has consistently distanced itself from user-posted information in blogs.

It also takes a leap of faith to believe that the relationship between Bungie and Microsoft is as bad as this rumour suggests, what with Halo 3 breaking all sorts of records and receiving wide critical acclaim. MS is also the owner of the developer, so a split isn't as easy as it sounds.

Fishy, though, is a reluctance for both Bungie and Microsoft to officially rebuke the rumours and state outright that it isn't true.

We will let you know more when we do.