Via pdroms

Just found those honest words from the author of FiveDice:

Hey Apple Inc.! I know your listening.
The Google Analytics account tied into this Google provided series of web-pages shows you're listening. This little slice of fun is getting several page views from Cupertino each day. So, here is my two-cents.

First, I do not participate or condone the SIM-Unlocking shenanigans of the iPhone. I fully understand and appreciate the unlocking communities arguments, and respect their efforts. I would be frustrated too if I lived in an area where I could not get AT&T service, and thus no access to the iPhone. In all honesty I would likely be very tempted to pursue the same solution they have. However, I also respect the amount of effort and money that has gone into not only developing a product like the iPhone, but also to the development and cultivation of the partnerships that have brought this technology to fruition.

Many complain that the iPhone should never have been limited to one carrier, or that a world-wide roll out should have been available at launch. I find this naive. This point of view shows no real understanding of reality, and what it takes to do what Apple has done. They have entered a space that is so crowded with well established players and deeply entrenched business models, and attempted to turn it all upside down if not $#@!eyed. I have never liked AT&T (Cingular) cell service. Several years ago I had their service, and it was awful. 2 years ago, I tried their service again. Still awful. But I chose to leave my Verizon Wireless service and switch to AT&T because I wanted an iPhone. As far as the service, and support of AT&T. Well, it has been much better than my past experiences. In Southern California, it has been at least as good as Verizon was for my needs. Apple made it very clear from the very beginning that this was a service locked deal. Take it or leave it. We all chose to take it. Many refused to believe it, and have now gotten rather upset with Apple because their expensive toy is now an expensive paperweight. I hope things work out for you in the end. I would be pissed too, but mostly at myself.

Now on to my real purpose here. 3rd-party applications. Yes, I know same deal as above. We all knew from early on that 3rd-part applications were not supported outside of Safari. So, why is it ok to bitch about this, but not about unlocking. Well, because this is my rant. No one is forcing you to read this.

The crux of the issue is this. Steve Jobs stood before a large audience at MacWorld 2007 and proclaimed the iPhone as "revolutionary" and something that "changes everything." He talked about OS X, Cocoa, Core Image, and Core Animation. What did he think would happen when a few months later he hands us this silly Web 2.0 thing as a software development solution. Not acceptable Steve-o. Not after what was just dangled in front of us. So, some very enterprising folks came up with a way of full-filling Steve's original promise. Yea it may not have been blessed by Steve, but it also did not bring down AT&T's "west coast network." Apple, look at the code to the released apps. Heck, click the Source button above and look at the code to this one. Do you see anything in there that would bring down AT&T's network? I didn't think so. Through the efforts of the 3rd-party community, the iPhone has become infinitely more usable to a core group of your customers. This is your Think Different legacy. You remember us don't you. "The Crazy Ones", "The Misfits", "The Trouble Makers", "The Round Pegs in the Square Holes", "The Ones Who See Things Differently". I am not proclaiming any one of us have as profound an impact as those depicted in your outstanding Think Different campaign, but you started this. You inspired us with those words so poetically delivered by Richard Dreyfuss. You created the anthem that holds true today. We are the users who infect those around us with our enthusiasm and interest in making the technology experience better for everyone.

Apple, you have created a great set of frameworks for Mac OS X development. The tools on the iPhone echo the care and ingenuity of their older brothers. UIKit has been fun to write with and explore. Many of the tools created by the community do nothing but showoff more of the iPhone capabilities.

Apple, bring back 3rd-party development. I am not expecting support, or warranty service for my 3rd-party infused iPhone. I just want to be able to continue to upgrade my firmware without fear of losing the great benefits the community has brought to my iPhone. Don't lock us out. Don't continue the cat-and-mouse cycle. Embrace it. Let your "Misfits" have their fun with the products they paid for. As a small developer, I want people to continue to be able to play my little game, or read an ebook on their new "revolutionary" device. I want people to stay excited about this technology experience.

I am leaving this uncommented, everyone should have his own thoughts about those lines.

See also: