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Thread: Debunking PSP firmware downgrading rumors

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Debunking PSP firmware downgrading rumors

    Sony can breath a sigh of relief. For the moment. Over the past 24 hours, wild rumors have flared across the networks claiming that Team Xecuter has created a mass storage converter mod that allows firmware downgrading and is compatible with Smart Media Cards, Compact Flash Cards, USB Flash Drives, and USB hard drives. In response, Team Xecuter has issued this statement:

    ”Just to clarify what the PSPX Mass Storage Controller does as some sites are posting lies of its origin and use. The device is designed, used and manufactured in Asia…

    The PSPX picture posted was of our own internal dev device to patch into the PSP. Its purpose is to develop a mass storage device - and that’s it. The picture shows hardware that is for development purposes only. The end product will be a very small add-on giving a completely legitimate function of being able to use different types of memory devices at a much lesser cost to the user…

    It will not downgrade your PSP firmware or patch for any illegal or even legal activity - we made a comment that we had discovered how to do this using discoveries made by dev hardware but we are not going to be making any such hardware to perform this task - there will be no need - groups like WAB will be doing all this via software soon enough.”

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    wait so there sayin there not even gonna mess with the firmware downgrading possibilities??? there just gonna let WAB get the credit for makin software to downgrade your firmware?? I have to say thats pretty dumb if u ask me, i mean if u have a chance to make software avalible to do such a task then u need to try and create it b/c not many people out there can do this $#@! ( i know i cant i just take advantage of everyone elses intelligence ) what could be better than have two different teams make two different kinds of software for the same purpose, that makes the chances of this whole downgrading even more possible to have two teams workin on the situation. maybe im just not understanding this whole thing


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by sarla1596
    wait so there sayin there not even gonna mess with the firmware downgrading possibilities??? there just gonna let WAB get the credit for makin software to downgrade your firmware?? I have to say thats pretty dumb if u ask me, i mean if u have a chance to make software avalible to do such a task then u need to try and create it b/c not many people out there can do this $#@! ( i know i cant i just take advantage of everyone elses intelligence ) what could be better than have two different teams make two different kinds of software for the same purpose, that makes the chances of this whole downgrading even more possible to have two teams workin on the situation. maybe im just not understanding this whole thing

    they're out to make money, not get sued by sony. it'd be stupid of them to make it available, especially if wab and others can do the same thing.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    yea i guess that makes some sense, but it doesnt seem likely that sony would sue anyone i mean look at how they got away with making modchips for the xbox (i actually own one ) its not like microsoft did much as far as im concerned and there even more greedy than sony (but not as greedy as cough cough EA cough cough)(but thats a whole new topic...)


  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro RedKing14CA's Avatar
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    EA? well i think sony and microsoft SUCK, nintendo has always been cool, theyre not as greedy as sony or microsoft, but i outgrew their systems years ago, they're for the lil kids....

    but anyways.....i think a software downgrade would be great, but better would be a semi software downgrade, which gets rid of the bad stuff, and embraces the good stuff.... like it would make it so you can run home brew like ona version 1.00 psp, but then it would have the bug fixes and game playing capabilitys as the 1.52 firmware.....

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    yea thatd be a great way to have the psp run but sadly i dont think thatd be possible

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