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Thread: Targus Keyboard Not Working with PSP PDA - Firmware 3.52 M33

  1. #1

    Exclamation Targus Keyboard Not Working with PSP PDA - Firmware 3.52 M33

    I just got my Targus keyboard in the mail from Amazon. The batteries were already in place, so I figured they might have died. I bought new ones, but still no luck.

    I have PSP PDA v 1.3.1 installed on Firmware 3.52 M33.

    I've read most of the troubleshooting and help stuff, and Googled as many options as I could.

    If someone has this same firmware, and has it working, let me know some tips!


    - Justin

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder zx-81's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
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    You can try using the simple test program available here :
    here is my blog !

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoks rule
    The more you fail, the more you have a chance that it will work in the end.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie OZBRN5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    you must disable pikey plugins to allow psp-pda to work.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie OZBRN5's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
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    yout targus-include should look like this (for targus ir keyboard) copy and replace:

    normal = KEY_SPACE
    num = KEY_SPACE

    normal = '1';
    shift = '!';
    alt = '~';

    normal = '2';
    shift = '@';

    normal = '3';
    shift = '#';

    normal = '4';
    shift = '$';

    normal = '5';
    shift = '%';

    normal = '6';
    shift = '^';

    normal = '7';
    shift = '&';

    normal = '8';
    shift = '*';
    num = '8';

    normal = '9';
    shift = '(';
    num = '9';

    normal = '0';
    shift = ')';
    num = '/';

    normal = '-';
    shift = '_';

    normal = '=';
    shift = '+';

    normal = 'q';
    shift = 'Q';

    normal = 'w';
    shift = 'W';

    normal = 'e';
    shift = 'E';

    normal = 'r';
    shift = 'R';

    normal = 't';
    shift = 'T';

    normal = 't';
    shift = 'T';

    normal = 'y';
    shift = 'Y';

    normal = 'u';
    shift = 'U';

    normal = 'i';
    shift = 'I';

    normal = 'o';
    shift = 'O';

    normal = 'p';
    shift = 'P';

    normal = '[';
    shift = '{';

    normal = ']';
    shift = '}';

    normal = '\'
    shift = '|'

    normal = 'a';
    shift = 'A';

    normal = 's';
    shift = 'S';

    normal = 'd';
    shift = 'D';

    normal = 'f';
    shift = 'F';

    normal = 'g';
    shift = 'G';

    normal = 'h';
    shift = 'H';

    normal = 'j';
    shift = 'J';

    normal = 'k';
    shift = 'K';

    normal = 'l';
    shift = 'L';

    normal = ';';
    shift = ':';

    normal = "'";
    shift = '"';

    normal = "`";
    shift = '~';

    normal = 'z';
    shift = 'Z';

    normal = 'x';
    shift = 'X';

    normal = 'c';
    shift = 'C';

    normal = 'v';
    shift = 'V';

    normal = 'b';
    shift = 'B';

    normal = 'n';
    shift = 'N';

    normal = 'm';
    shift = 'M';

    normal = ',';
    shift = '<';

    normal = '.';
    shift = '>';

    normal = '/';
    shift = '?';

    # numpad

    normal = '*';
    num = '*';

    normal = '-';
    num = '-';

    normal = '+';
    num = '+';

    normal = '.';
    num = '.';

    normal = '/';
    num = '/';

    normal = KEY_DELETE;
    num = ',';


    num = '=';

    normal = '-';
    num = '-';

    normal = KEY_INSERT;
    num = '0';

    normal = KEY_END;
    num = '1';

    normal = KEY_DOWN;
    num = '2';

    normal = KEY_PAGEDOWN;
    num = '3';

    normal = KEY_LEFT;
    num = '4';

    num = '5';

    normal = KEY_RIGHT;
    num = '6';

    normal = KEY_HOME;
    num = '7';

    normal = KEY_UP;
    num = '8';

    normal = KEY_PAGEUP;
    num = '9';

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