
NestopiaX v1.5 SCE is released. NestopiaX is a NES emulator for the XBOX. This is a port of the pc NES emu nestopia and is now the best NES emu on XBOX. It also plays the famicom disc system games at full framerate.

NestopiaX v1.5 SCE Changelog:
This is a special XMAS version of nestopiax scanline edition for HDTV users ONLY at the moment!! Included in this special build are the following options:

1.) The NTSC filter has now became the NTSC Scanlines Filter! Included are three xbes, one for maximum scanlines, one for 25 percent scanlines and one for 50 percent scanlines. Try each and see how you like it. Remember this special build is ONLY for HDTV users at the moment. A build will be upcoming that will include all other changes for any other TV users. A HUGE thanks to blargg for everything he did to help me with this.

2.) Changed the pixel settings in video settings to "Accurate Pixel ratio". This should be THE fixed, correct setting now. Thanks to gillou for finding the values.

3.) Nintendo World Championships now defaults to the correct tournament time, (not sure if it did before) but now it does for sure!

4.) Added in Blarggs ntsc background fix to the NTSC filter, this essentially has the overscan set on the sides of the ntsc filter the way the real nes did.

5.) Added a fix for xml files occasionally (rare instances) freezing up the xbox.