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Thread: *future* project: The 7th Guest PSP Port

  1. #1

    Default *future* project: The 7th Guest PSP Port


    First, thank you for your great forum and webpage

    Now, to the point I want to make a "port" (not remake) of the The 7th Guest game. So far, I'm able to extract all media files (images, videos and sound) but, due to my limited time and programming knowledge, I can't code the requiered engine.

    Not only the port is the important part, but also that I intend to show "subtitles" so anyone can join this game at 100%

    Here's the Design Document (containing a possible API for the engine) on ODT and PDF:


    Also, here's a proof of intro video (MP4 format) with spanish subtitles.

    MP4 spanish demo

    Video quality is low (but hight doesn't differs too much) and audio quality is "normal". Subtitles are hardcoded onto video stream because I could't find a way to show them.

    So, that's what I want. I need someone who can code the engine to port this fantastic game and have time to do it and help on porting this masterpiece. We can call it a "joint-team"

    Note: this port must be played ONLY for people who own the original game. If you don't have it, you can buy it for a real low prices over the net.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro dark heart's Avatar
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    so if someone else is coding it, what will you do while theyre at work?
    if you ask someone to help you with a project, you've got to offer more to the volunteer, plus you've got to promise just as much effort as they give.
    i have some experience with making request threads

  3. #3


    What I'm offering is quite simple. If you read the Design Document, you'll notice that there're more things but engine:

    - Re-encoding the whole game (which have many many videos, audio tracks and images)
    - Create (based on the API) the logic for each room
    - Create (based on the API, need to be designed) the logic for each puzzle
    - Create (based on the API, need to be designed) the logic for the mansion
    - Create and timing the subtitles

    So that's what I'm offering. If no one want to do the engine, could you read the Design Doc and give some guiadance or specific tutorials to accomplish such task?

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: If you haven't notice it, the video is not a "desktop screen record" 'cause it doesn't have "background music". It's converted from groovie (the original encoding) to MP4 using only the video and voice audio stream.

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