via Engadget

While we're pretty certain a 16GB iPhone is on the way given the recent emergence of the 16GB iPod touch -- this ain't it. Posted in the user forums at MacRumors and making its way around the interwebs is this supposed 16GB iPhone purported to have just arrived at an Apple store. The jockeys at MacRumors have already pretty much debunked:
  • The box is using the old Calculator icon even though the firmware is supposedly version 1.1.2
  • The iTunes WiFi icon on the box is warped
  • Exif data shows a timestamp of 5 days ago (why sit on a scoop for 5 days before posting?)
  • Noise is too uniform in the supposed cameraphone picture

And finally, here's the original iPhone about page before being 'shopped!

A couple more photographs here