via Gizmodo

The Steve has listened to our incessant whining and now he's writing something I've been waiting to read for many months: "Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers' hands in February."

That's the lead-in from his letter on saying the third-party app SDK for native iPhone programs is coming in early '08. It'll also do iPod touch programs. Jobs also explains the delay: Making the iPhone more open while keeping it secure from viruses has been a challenge.

They're taking their time, and doing it right. Arn from Macrumors points out that the piece includes hints that Apple might pick up a digital signature system for app verification.

P.S. Kudos for Businessweek on scooping this ahead of time, but Fake Steve called it first, bluffing or not.

P.P.S We'll really have to wait awhile to find out the exact details of app development to fully celebrate, but right now, I gotta admit, I feel like a born-again fanboy.