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Thread: Just came back to the scene, hoping for a refresh

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie Kichigai Mentat's Avatar
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    Red face Just came back to the scene, hoping for a refresh

    So, the last time I messed around with my PSP, 3.40 OE-A was state of the art, and custom XMB waves were all the rage. Now, I've just re-entered the scene (great games coming out, some are recent releases, and I gotta be honest, they're worth paying for) and I thought I'd get up to date. First thing I found confusing is you need to start from 3.52 M33-3 to upgrade? You can't go from anything earlier? Granted, I figured it all out, but finding the files wasn't easy. Anywhoo, I'm running 3.71 M33-2, and I want to trick out my XMB again, but all I hear talk of are these themes. I checked it out, but they're just backgrounds, icons and fonts. Is XMB Wave Hacking still possible in 3.71 M33-2, or is that some kind of pipe dream? I grabbed CXMB, and I'm hunting around for more plug-ins (anti-update, screenshot, maybe a video capture one...), and I'm relatively sure I can find them on my own, but I'm just wondering, what are the major changed since 3.40? ...Besides themes? ;)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    welcome back.....
    ummmm slim psp? lol
    iono i also entered back XD

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