via Computer and Video Games

It's a double treat on Xbox Live Arcade this week with the arrival of Q Entertainment's Every Extend Extra Extreme and the long, long awaited XBLA version of Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe.

Mizuguchi's effort is more than likely heading to PlayStation 3 at some point, but according to Bitmap Brothers' John Phillips, a PSN port of Speedball II game is likely on the way as well.

"That could be on the cards," said Phillips, after we quizzed him on the likelihood of Speedball II making it to Sony's download service as well.

"I think [services like XBLA and PSN are] great. It shows that you can have great games that don't require the team size and development times of the full-price retail market. As the cost of development is lower we will over the next few years see a great many fantastic games on these formats."

By the looks of it then, it could be a case of PS3 owners not feeling left out for much longer. Next though, Bitmap Brothers are working on Chaos Engine, says Phillips.

Speedball II: Brutal Duluxe is on Xbox Live Arcade now for 800 Microsoft Points (£6.80)