News/release from Maxy_PSP:


I’m here to release a new application for the PSP.
PSP GetXY is an application to get the X and Y as of a point.

You can use it for developing, when you need the X and Y as for, text, image, ....

You can change the color of the pointer and you can change the background.
(The background can you use when you need to place text on an image, How to change it, read the README)

The included colors of the pointer are : Yellow, Black, Blue, White, Green, and red. You can also made one by yourself (Info in the README)

c/p from the readme :


1. Copy the map PSP to your Memorystick (ms0:/<HERE>)
2. Go to Game - Memorystick and load PSP GetXY

How to use ?
Movement of the pointer :
Start the program and move the pointer with UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT buttons

Get X and Y as :
Press START to see the current position of the pointer (X-as = .. Y-as = .. )

How to change the background ?
- Change the bg.png file in ms0:/PSP/GAME150/getxy/bg.png
The file NEED TO BE a :
- PNG file !!
- Width : 480, Height 272 !!

How to change the color of the POINTER ?
- There are some different pointers included, you can find them
In ms0:/PSP/GAME150/getxy/
The name of the pointer is point.PNG,
so change the name of the pointer that you want to 'point'
It's also possible to make your own pointer,
Just make a PNG file of

WITH : 5
name : point

And place it in ms0:/PSP/GAME150/getxy/

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