
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- PEC-586 Pyramid Education Computer (Unl)[U][!]. One of my last totally forgotten dumps, even if you have seen this before more than one time, - The Educational Computer PEC-586 Pyramid by Dongda Company. Mapper itself was not so hard to emulate, the most crazy thing about this cartridge is that it uses its own video mode, 1-bpp plain bitmap mode. There were some others are popping out in China, similar to this one, so with the help of our Chinese friends, we emulate finally it's video mode. The main goal of this mode is that you can write 1-bit tiles into tilemap area, but no need to write NT anymore. So 8K or CHR-RAM is enough to cover the whole screen at once with this bitmap.
The last barrier before release was its keyboard. It's visually identical to Subor, but operation is different. So I was need to write another one keyboard support to FCEUmm and FCEUX. So I did it finally and it mostly works, besides still need keys layout corrections.
Most interesting, that this system has LPT and Audio-jack connectors on the cartridge itself. Don't know, why it's done, since the cart is useless without the console and vice versa.
There are some more systems on the same hardware exists, mentioned above Chinese version with expanded PRG ROM, and one more interesting Educational Computer called "Sonic REC-9388". The last one has its own software divided into carts-modules and which can be inserted into one of three internal mini-cartridge slots. Both Chinese ones and Sonic use it's own keyboard hardware so can't be emulated with the same PEC-586 keyboard.
- NARC (R) [!], Rush'n Attack (R) [!]. A couple of years ago I released bad, but mostly fixed and restored ROM of the Russian version of the game "NARC". Now since I have a new working copy I did redump and you can play it without glitches now. In addition, another Russian translation from the same 1995-1996 years, Russian version of Rush'n Attack.
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