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Thread: DoomPSP v0.04

  1. #51


    I think i may be doing something wrong. So is this what i am Supposed to do? :

    the original doom wad that came with 0.04 i name to doom2.wad, THEN i get the actual doom2.wad and put in the folder along side that one? Cause what i was trying to do was just rename the doom1.wad to doom2.wad and it wasnt loading

  2. #52
    DCEmu Newbie DiSCOiNFERNO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parabolee

    OK go here for the version of DOOM I use -

    This is D-Pad DOOM for if you prefer to play on the D-Pad. I do but both versions work just fine -

    This is the regular version.

    Also make sure you are using the latest SEI -,0,0,0,15,166

    Then unzip all the DOOM files into a folder called "DOOM-PSP", the Zip file should do this for you. The folder will have the EBOOT in it along with a WADS and a SAVE folder.

    Now open SEI and tell it the program is "DOOM-PSP" and then selct WHOLE FOLDER and select the folder called "DOOM-PSP" that you unzipped the zip file to.

    Make sure you have HIDE CORRUPT DATA unselected and hit GENERATE. Once it's done go and test it.

    Hopefully if all went right it should have worked, now you can use the LIST MANAGER tool in SEI to move the corrupt data to the bottom of your list.

    Let me know if this works for you.
    thank you for the information it helped alot

  3. #53


    No problem, glad I could help.

    And to karshffxi - Doom 1 should be left alone, and DOOM2.WAD just needs to be added to the directory and it should work just fine.

  4. #54


    cool thanks. now i just need to find a doom2 wad >.> its only doom i want to play ;;

    also, any chance if the codes being put in these versions somehow? since we cant use a keyboard to type them in <.<

  5. #55
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    you'll have to track it down yourself, on the ent or a p2p client, as its a commercial product
    as for the cheat codes, i dont think its possible with this version, but you can expect to have them in a future release, as they exist already in the quake and hexen port...

  6. #56
    DCEmu Newbie
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    To whoever is porting Doom for the PSP... make sure Execution and Decamatch work or Team Onslaught won't be happy

  7. #57
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Problems in game

    I'm having some problems in the game with weapon switching. Whenever I switch weapons to Chainsaw, the in-game map comes up. I've checked my config.ini and I've even resorted to using the default config.ini. Has anyone else had this problem? It's a real pain to have to hit my map key to turn off the map everytime I'm changing weapons.

    Also for .wad's...I was able to get both Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 wads from the Xbox version of Doom3 Collectors Edition which has Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 included.

    One more thing. Is Hexen going to be supported eventually?


  8. #58
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I just downgraded my psp and this is the first homebrew program I got.
    Anyhow it works great but just wanted to know if theres supposed to be music ?
    Maybe im missing a file or whatever. Not that it really matters much, but if theres supposed to be music that would be cool. I remember the cheesy music on the pc, hehe.

  9. #59


    ok i got everything working GREAT.....THANKS SO MUCH!

    but i can get the non-dpad version to do i get that to work...cause when i downloaded the non-dpad version all i got was a DOOM-PSP-0.04.rar file... no folder to un-zip or nothing! so if i just sounded completly NOOBISH here im sorry but please help!

  10. #60
    DCEmu Newbie
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    A rar file is like a zipfile except you have to use a program like winrar.
    You can download it for free. Also is there music in your version of Doom ?
    Just wondering if the music is supposed to be there or not.

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