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Thread: Piracy Ruining the Homebrew Scene ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Piracy Ruining the Homebrew Scene ?

    Piracy is something youll never escape from but the recent loaders from several groups and the news posted on sites that deal with general news and homebrew/emulation news seems to have slowed down releases from certain areas of the scene.

    I was told by a coder that no coder wants to see his or her release on a site before or after a Loader/Piracy newspost. Whilst i know that this stuff goes on, i keep this site firmly in the Emulation and Homebrew sector and away from piracy and what not.

    The advancements in the scene by the Japanese coders, the great coders over at PS2Dev and on my own forums have been overshadowed some what by the loaders, do we really want Sony on our backs, Whether or not a site hosts the downloads by posting every release you are doing damage to the area of the scene that wants to stay legal and free.

    I agree that the hacker sites do their thing and we do ours but is Piracy ruining the PSP Scene?

    Id love to hear from Devs/Coders on this issue

  2. #2


    Personally I think it's gona suck if all this PSP hacking causes SONY to try and lock out the system. It's a tough call right now..some of the things that are being learned from the piracy that's happening will probably be knowledge that will help developers make better EMU's. I think us "common" PSP users are just having fun being able to play around with stuff we otherwise wouldn't have access to. And since there is a shortage of new game releases for the PSP here in the states right now, I'm very happy to be able to play some new stuff that may or may not get released here. This in no way means I'm gonna stop buying the games I want to have. I wish Sony could just leave it be..but I'm afraid it's gonna turn ugly before it's over and that still leaves the question of what will happen to the PSP EMU scene up in the air.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yea man i hear that. Also that by pirating psp games, it would only hurt us in the long run. Im still willing to buy games, as long as their good that is. But im all for the emulation scene. I thank all the hard working people that make this scene wat it is.

  4. #4


    Now I am going to be brutaly honest here and admit that I will play a pirate game if it is one that I wouldn't buy but would like to check out. But I will glady buy good games (I currently own 6 PSP games).

    But I am very glad that this website stays free of piracy news, homebrew and piracy have nothing in common with each other other than they both need to use exploits to run. I will be very sad when (if?) I am forced to update my firmware one day in order to play I game I want but loose access to all my homebrew.

    Truth be told unless the game was something VERY groundbreaking and MUST play, I think I would miss out on it rather than loose my Emulators.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I personally think the coders/devr's should just keep on doing what they do best and leave the bad reporting of piracy "news" to those dodgy sites It isn't in any coders best interests to be involved with any of those piracy scene sites, and really they should be looking to sites like this one, as an avenue for releasing their homebrew and getting some feedback!

    If I were a coder, I'd be getting behind those who stay legal and value their work above everything else.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro leggy's Avatar
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    This website is pretty much free of piracy - good on wraggy and the mods for keeping it that way.

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