BL with your cell phone?! You bet! If you are in an area where broadband is unavailable, and your only means of an internet connection is dial-up, then you have an alternative. Your cell phone. For XBL, and much more. Read on about how we had 10 XBOX 360's connected to XBOX Live via my cell phone.

Too stubborn to live with what many of my neighbors live with, have been living with for quite some time, and will probably continue to live with. My next option? Wireless. But where to start? There are not that many carriers, and the devices are somewhat $#@!bersome as far as what they'll accomplish. But, I knew that there were OTA transmissions on a cell phone network that reached speeds far in excess of 26k. It wasn't as good as Cable or DSL, but it was a start. My research led me to the Samsung i607 Blackjack on AT&Ts EDGE (and soon 3G, but we'll get into that later) network.