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Thread: NiGHTS weather screens - what went wrong?

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Rev NiGHTS weather screens - what went wrong?

    via Computer and Video Games

    NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams will be the first Wii game to link to the weather channel to recreate a true-to-life weather system.

    The game use data streamed from the internet via the weather channel to imitate the weather in your part of the world, so if it's sunny outside, it's sunny in the game, and if you live in UK it's constantly pissing down in the game.

    This feature comes into play in a new virtual pet "A-Life" mode in which you look after and breed your own creatures. The mood of your creatures is effected by the weather, making them behave in different way when depending on what it's like outside - a bit like your girlfriend.

    But we're actually going to rename it the "No-Life" mode, because the bare minimum graphical detail in these first shots of the mode are as lifeless as our Wii (which broke down last week - right before the Mario Galaxy launch. Bastard).

    Have a look in disgust at these screens. Are they better or worse than these shots from Cruis'n, which we this morning thought were worst Wii screens we'd ever seen?

  2. #2


    Wow that is awful

  3. #3
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Let's all hope the graphics recieve an improvement, it be a letdown to leave it the way it currently stands.

  4. #4


    Well, it looks like I will have to get this game now! Didn't interest me until I saw those screenshots!

    WHY? I hear you all cry....................

    My kids LOVE the chao gardens in the sonic adventure games - they have had the same chao for years now! and transfered them from the GC to the Wii!!!!!!!!!!

    Still, will keep them quiet for a while!

  5. #5


    the wwather system would suck round in the uk, it'd just rain or be foggy

  6. #6


    My guess is that they used the lowest quality render for a test image of what it would look like. We just went over this in my 3D animation course that you don't do a highest quality render until it's ready to be finalized, otherwise it's going to take a ridiculous amount of time to do so.

    Also when I heard that NiGHTS was going to utilize the Wii Weather Channel, something I suggested before hearing this game had it, I was hoping for in-game and not in some Chao Garden rip-off.

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