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Thread: GOAT Store Banner Contest

  1. #1
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default GOAT Store Banner Contest

    GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Make a banner for the GOAT Store, LLC Web site. The banner can either be for one Dreamcast game, all Dreamcast games, the site in general or any system that we carry (such as NES or DC specific... or even Sega specific). The size for the ads can be just about anything -- of special importance is standard banner ads and smaller buttons.

    Submitting any banner means that you agree that we can use it and / or tweak it for our use, of course. Other basic things to think about if entering:

    GOAT is always capitialized. It is never Goat.
    Copper (the GOAT Logo that we use on the site and my avatar) is our GOAT. Please do not use any other pictures of goats.

    At the end, Gary and I will be judging the entries based on our favorites. There won't be anything more to it than that

    Now for the cool part -- winners will get the chance to playtest the GOAT Games Comp. before it comes out. We will be having three people join us for playtesting. How this will work is that we will send you the game in a beta format and ask you to try out the games and the interaction with our web site for high scores. The beta game that you will receive will be the game that we believe will be the final version. Based on your comments, we will tweak the game / menu system before release and add your name to the credits of the game.

    Here is how the prizes will be given out:

    Our favorite overall GOAT Store banner
    Our favorite overall Dreamcast publishing banner
    Every entry that we use will be put into a random drawing, and a third and fourth winner will be picked that way. If you submit to us 20 banners that are usable, we will enter you 20 times.

    Just to note: Banners we will use are just about anything, as long as they look clean and attractive. We get to determine this at will, of course.

    At no time do we want anyone to use any pornographic or lewd stuff on these. There should be no "Inhabitants kicks ASS!" with a picture of a GOAT kicking a Donkey or something (as funny as that might be).

    If you do an animated GIF, please keep the size under 20kb at the absolute largest. Shoot for under 10kb if possible.

  2. #2
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    i had a we go, first one

  3. #3
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    second one,

    any comments?

    note: the picture upload is broken, i had to upload to the server my self

  4. #4
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    I know I replied to this topic yesterday. Where did my reply go?

    I said that I thought your idea was really good, but the 3-D effect around the text is a little much. If you were to cut that effect in half, it might look a little better.

    Like I said, though, your idea is really solid. I haven't been able to come up with any decent design ideas for this yet.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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  5. #5
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Yeah, i read you repley yesterday.... and i noticed there was not that many posts in the forum this morning.... there must be something funny with the forum again

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Here's my go at it. Oh and i recomend to upload your pics too, as a temp replacement for the upload function on the forum.

    Third time lucky.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Any views on that, oh and does this count as competition entry.

  8. #8
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Topic Stickied. ;D

    Mental - it's a nice design. The text is a little obscure (not certain if I understand the reference, but, whatever). I like the idea behind it, I like the look of the banner and the text, but maybe you should use a slightly more universal reference in the joke.

    As far as official competition entries - I'll have to check with Dan to see if they ever visit or check this board. If so, then it probably counts. If not, then I'll let you know.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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  9. #9
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Mental2k, i don't think goat dan would like that
    At no time do we want anyone to use any pornographic or lewd stuff on these. There should be no "Inhabitants kicks ASS!" with a picture of a GOAT kicking a Donkey or something (as funny as that might be).
    its funny and i like the colour and layout, but some people would take offence (who, you say i don't know.... the WELSH!! ;D ) also there is no refference to what goatstore do... so nicely done, but its not realy suitable..

    Curtiss Grymala, the add implys that welsh farmers have sex with goats, and that we could have more fun with the goat store than the formenction farmer would have the goat.... could be true but.....

    also i email Goatdan a few days about about this topic, aslo thanks for the feedback

  10. #10
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: GOAT Store Banner Contest

    Here's my first attempt. Nothing really special, just testing my chops.

    I'll probably put something else together later.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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    I Refuse To Help Anyone That Says They've Tried Everything.

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