via pdroms

VNsea is a graphical VNC client for both the iPhone and the iPod touch based on Chicken of the VNC for Mac OS X.

Please note that server passwords are currently stored in plaintext in the preferences file and shown unprotected on screen. This will be fixed as soon as the client is mostly functional. Right now, functionality takes precedence over local security.


Numerous bug fixes and enhancements, including adding keyboard, right mouse, landscape, and zooming support. Many thanks to new project member Glenn Kreisel for all his hard work in this release!
Main screen reorganised a little.
There is a new preferences screen, currently a little empty. In future versions many more preferences will be added.
A controls bar has been added to the remote screen display. It has buttons for toggling the on-screen keyboard, modifier keys, right mouse, and zooming settings. The "X" button closes the connection. Tapping the system status bar will hide and show the controls bar.
Issue 5 : No Keyboard access
Issue 9 : Need to right-click
Issue 11 : Need option to disconnect from server
Issue 13 : Landscape support
Issue 15 : Use placeholder values for all server info fields instead of default values
Issue 16 : Screen Scaling would also be handy
Issue 17 : Validate server info fields when saving
Issue 26 : Server password field is not bulleted out
Issue 27 : Passwords are stored in plaintext in preferences
Issue 35 : Inability to cusomize port number
Issue 41 : No warning when deleting a server
Issue 50 : Show an optional target mark on the "click" hot spot
Issue 51 : Ask for password before connecting if password left empty in server settings
Issue 52 : Use a better keyboard layout for editing server settings
Issue 63 : weird hang when deleting lines from gvim
Issue 64 : Click "New Server" then Cancel..Leaves "new server" entry in server list
Issue 65 : Sort list of Servers