Looks like Apple just published firmware v1.1.2 for the iPhone; hit the download link to grab it yourself because iTunes hasn't yet gotten wise to the fact that it's out. Details to follow, but don't expect jailbreak or the unactivated Safari workaround hack to still be functional, ok? (... aaaand we're watching our download speed drop as our readers are grabbing the file. Rockin'.) Update: TIFF jailbreak exploit is dead. Sorry people. More below.

Update: Ok, We're "sacrificing" an iPhone for you people. We'll let you know what we find.

Extracting software... restarting... iTunes successfully upgraded to 1.1.2.
The "slide for emergency" slider flashed through different languages while it was waiting to be plugged in again.
It's activated, pulled the backup data, and restarted -- success! Officially on 1.1.2.
Testing jailbreakme.com... looks like they broke jailbreak! Yep, it's broken alright.
Not really finding any new features -- certainly no new icons, no voice memos, nothing obvious about disk mode. Anyone else finding anything?
Looks like international keyboards are finally enabled! Score one for everyone overseas who can't use their now-relocked iPhone.
A few reports are coming in that their iPhone is "much faster now" (not that we remember ours being slow at all before). Maybe Apple made some performance tweaks this update.
Can anyone confirm whether TurboSIM is working with this update?
