The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix DVD is about to hit the shops so Lizo caught up with some of the stars of the film.
He asked them about the movie's success, the latest filming and the actress who plays Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown.


What do you feel about the success of the fifth movie?
Daniel (Harry): "The way you have to look at the money it made is that it's not lots and lots of people going to see it once, it's lots and lots of people going to see it again and again. And that's incredibly flattering and a real compliment."

Emma (Hermione): "I'm really pleased how well this fifth one has done because you know normally with franchises the first one is pretty big and it gradually sinks downhill from then. But Harry Potter just seems to be getting more and more successful."

How is filming going on the Half-Blood Prince?
Daniel: "It's going very well. So far we've been doing a lot of work with Slughorn, who is being played brilliantly by Jim Broadbent."

What's the actress who plays Lavender Brown like?
Rupert (Ron): "I was involved with the Lavender Brown audition and the whole Lavender thing. Her name's Jessie and she is really cool and it's going to be really funny."

Emma: "She seems really sweet and perfect for the role of Lavender. The casting is so good and I am looking forward to her scenes with Ron. I think it's going to be quite a comic film."