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Thread: Variety says Mario Galaxy shows Wii's weaknesses

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Variety says Mario Galaxy shows Wii's weaknesses

    Here at Joystiq, we like to have some fun with our Nega-reviews. When the critical apparatus tells us almost unanimously that a game is undeniably good, we like to pick apart their words and find out what small negatives can be found in the overwhelmingly positive whole. This was a bit tough for Super Mario Galaxy, a game that got high praise all around. It wouldn't have been nearly as tough if we'd had access to Variety's review of the game, which went up on Monday.

    While the Variety review praises the game's original level design and gravity-based gameplay, the majority of the writing picks apart the game's weak story, limited two-player mode and awkward camera controls. What's more, a large portion of the review seems targeted at the Wii itself, from blanket condemnation of the two-handed controller ("Holding the nunchuk, ... and the Wii-mote ... in separate hands, is an awkward arrangement") to criticism of the system's graphical prowess ("Fans may claim that the graphics are good 'for the Wii,' ... but given the vastly superior quality of the graphics in a game like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction ... Galaxy looks old fashioned and lifeless.")

    While we can't say we agree with all the criticisms, it's always interesting to see a major outlet going against the tide of positive opinion to create a negative review. You know, a real one.

  2. #2

    Exclamation What a load of bull.

    "Fans may claim that the graphics are good 'for the Wii,' ... but given the vastly superior quality of the graphics in a game like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction ... Galaxy looks old fashioned and lifeless."

    Whilst Ratchet and Clank was a good platforming romp with all the graphical bells and whistles, I still stand by the fact it doesn't have a soul. Super Mario Galaxy is beautiful. I get the impression this review either came sponsored by Sony or the reviewer has an unshakable bias.

    Galaxy has won the hearts of my hard line, Wii hating, PS3 fanboy friends and I'd recommend it to anyone. I also can't wait for Mass Effect to turn up this week...

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    I've never listened to reviews or critics. If I'm interested in a game I'm gonna try it and make my own judgement. If I listened to critics I never would've bought a Turbo Duo, Sega Saturn, Sega Nomad and hundreds of games that to me were very good but got not so hot reviews. However most games I play have never come state side so....

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    its not a bad review at all, i agree.

    Its not hard to be disappointed in the fact that the best games for the Wii make little use of the controls, the only good the Wii remote is capable of is light gun games, which are not new at all.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Accordion View Post
    its not a bad review at all, i agree.

    Its not hard to be disappointed in the fact that the best games for the Wii make little use of the controls, the only good the Wii remote is capable of is light gun games, which are not new at all.
    omg, dude,, cmon. Whats up with you hating on almost all nintendo games?

    How can you criticise the wii's best game so far, and say its just old fashioned?

    When Im playing mario galaxy, I think the nunchuck and wiimote are the best pair. The controls are really good. The wiimote is used are a star bit shooter in super mario galaxy, its brilliant.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    The point of the Wii was to simply play games that are fun. Mario Galaxy is the epitome of everything the Wii is about. If using tons of waggle makes the game fun they'll do it. If the game is better suited to use less they'll do it so long as its FUN.

    You people complain that games are using too much waggle and then when the highest rated next gen game ever comes along with less you complain about that too?

    Oh and if you are still in your little delusion that light gun games are the extent of Wiimote usage maybe try picking up MP3, MoHH 2, Trauma Center, Zack and Wiki etc etc.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro Gold Line's Avatar
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    Accordion your just a plain ps3 fanboy so get out!

    mario has a huge chance of being GOTY its even got better reviews than halo 3 on most sites.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    The only real competition for GoTY Mario has is Mass Effect. Mario averaged the highest review scored of any next gen game to date and looks to be the first competition to OoT ever lol

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gold Line View Post
    Accordion your just a plain ps3 fanboy so get out!
    Why do i still own my Wii then?

    Demand is high enough to make my money back, but i wont sell it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Accordion View Post
    Why do i still own my Wii then?

    Demand is high enough to make my money back, but i wont sell it.
    Than go buy mario galaxy, if you already have it, which I doubt, then actually play the game.

    You will enjoy it, I know I am!

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