Numerous unannounced Unreal Engine 4 games will be revealed by the end of the year, according to an executive working at the company.
Despite initially claiming that the first Unreal Engine 4 game would be released in 2013, few studios have yet to announce projects using the technology.
The engine, which does not support last-gen or cross-gen games, has been licensed by Suda 51's team, along with Zombie Studios for its roguelike first-person horror Daylight. Epic is also building its own Fortnite game around the technology.

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However, major publishers and developers have not yet announced their intentions to use the engine. EA in particular, which had paid for an Unreal Engine 3 lifetime licence, now appears to be relying instead on its in-house Frostbite 3 engine.
But the company's Unreal Engine Europe manager, Mike Gamble, claims that examples of games using the tech will be prevalent by the end of 2014.
"There haven't really been any announcements of the games still under wraps [that use UE4]," he told Edge.
"As soon as they start going live, then you'll see suddenly see that we're everywhere again. You'll be thoroughly sick of us!"
Gamble went on to claim that more than half of the games using UE4 are new IP, and reaffirmed that the company is still developing its own games.
"It'll happen this year, toward the Christmas period," he added.
"Knowing the games that are in development, there are some crackers. The first quarter of 2015 is also where a lot of them seem to be aiming."
Epic Games has undergone significant changes since the prosperous days of its Unreal Engine 3 business. Key developers and executives, from Rod Fergusson to Mike Capps and Cliff Bleszinski, have departed from the company.
During this transition, Epic Games sold a significant portion of its company to Chinese social games firm Tencent, which now has a seat on the board of directors. Epic initially claimed the sale to Tencent was of a "minority" stake, but that interpretation was questioned when it was revealed that the company had sold 40 per cent of the company to Tencent for $330 million.
Fergusson, meanwhile, has now become head of the Gears of War series following Epic's sale of the IP to Microsoft. Following the news, a representative for the company claimed that Epic is still working in games development, and has multiple projects underway - including Fortnite.