Orionjones over at Playeradvance posted this release in their forums

Heres the super cool google translation:

Mot Mot Motus - The popular game "Motus who occasionally switch on France 2.

Hello everyone,

So now, my current project focuses on the well-known game "television Motus.

Here are some pictures of the game:

For the moment, only one word is found, so we could say that this is a demo lol.

In place on the v0.1:
- A word to find.
The original music-playing Motus "voui voui, if so j'l'ai recovered more or less, but I got it."
- A return at the beginning by pressing the A pad.
- Validation of letters of each word added with a gap of 1 / 2 seconds to add sound effects.
- Different colors from a letter well placed, and a letter misplaced.
- An option in the menu 6 7 8 9 letters.

Improvement to come:
Noise-for validation of letters found
Basic word-much more complete
- Added system of counting points
- Addition of a multiplayer system
- Added draw of black balls and figures as in the original game
- Addition of the choice of the number of letters for words is planned "Bobby Sixkilla" it is visible on the demo
.... Then more later lol

- PAlib of Mollusk
- The encouragement teams forum
- Paint Shop Pro
Notebook - lol
And I can be forgotten.

Ps: I would like your opinions

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