Before i start u think i might be wrong and stupid and a joker right? well this will prove you wrong u do not have to do this, but read it and you will see it come in to play.

What you will need:
PE builder latest VER.
A windows 2003 or XP with SP1+
A iso editor
bochs (Both computer and PSP systems.)
At least 190mb on PSP memory stick and at least 400mb for the computer (for the isos, bochs, and thee install file for the windowsXP)
program to give the info of an ISOs stuff. (need to setup the config for bochs!)

To start off bartPE is a winPE remake..... its free and I can legally give you an ISO of it but that i against the rules so PM me if you want the link!

Put the windowsXP or 2003 with SP1+ in your cd drive and run PE builder.

tell the cd drive letter and tell it to make an ISO!

when it is done find the iso usually in the installed folder of PE builder. (The size with default settings is bout...... 150-190mb. ISO is called BartPE.iso by default.)
you will also notice the folder called "BartPE".
guess what?
Here is where the ISO editor comes into play!!!
Make an iso with the bochs iso maker.
make it bout 190mb. take the two ISOs you made and take BartPE.iso and take the files out of t and put them in the one made by bochs....
config the file with what is needed. Set up the psp with nilzxx's win95psp.rar file (look it up on google)
change the settings in the config file.)
put the ISO that you made a c.iso in the VM folder on your psp. Make sure ur settings are right! t(might be faster than 95!!! but still slow.) and bam!
all done.
BartPE is a Preinstalled Environment meaning
Like bassic filees to run windowsXP or 2003 server, no added grapics IT IS NOT DOS BASED IT HAS A START BUTTON, BUT NO TASKBAR!
thats all if u can get all that.

Comments are appreciated! (only good ones please.)
it worked on my friends PSP

I worked for 4 days! just to make the right configs and stuff.

Your welcome!