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Thread: SideSkrollingShootingGame

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie nielsss's Avatar
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    Talking SideSkrollingShootingGame

    This is my first real psp game. It is a simple space ship shoot em up game. It has a mainmenu some effect and a theme song.

    Sorry i couldnt get any pics but i couldnt get the plugins to work correctly.

    Please give me some feedback since this is my firs game for the psp.

    here's the readme

    SideSkrollingShootingGame V 0.2

    To install just put all the files in the following folder;
    ms0:/PSP/PSP150/ <--- If you are on a CFW (depends what CFW you're one, check readme of that CFW)
    ms0:/PSP/GAME <--- If you are on f/w 1.50

    Tested on 3.71 M33-2

    Made by nielsss aka nox13666
    Special thanks to Anonymous D for making the engine.

    To do in next version
    -add sound effects

    Please visist

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Anonymous D's Avatar
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    ok so you took my game, changed the music and the sprites, repacked it as a kxploit, changed the blitting order, made it so going back to the menu crashes, removed the irda modes oh and also screwed up the transparancy on the sprites.

    i liek that you attempted a gfx mod but i dont quite get how you made it yours.

    basuically if you want pointers:
    1. re cut your sprites. mine only had "white" sections becuase thats how transparent parts of pngs show in windows.

    cut around the ship in somethingh liek photoshop or the G.I.M.P, and make the surrounding transparent then save as a png.

    2. If your going to mod, say its a mod, and dont change anuythin unless youve looked at how it works. In this youve renamed the menu.lua file to index.lua, if you had looked at the code, youd see its set to load menu.lua.

    --end and menu
    highscore = nil
    wrote = "none"
    3. why remove the ir modes? just out of curiosity, i knwo most people never use/d them but its a nice feature.

    4. if you want to get into lua, do what i did, learn fromthe ground up, i suggesrt going to
    theres some great tutes, and some friendly knowledgeable people on the forums who can help you out.

    5. ok ill admit my game was more of a personal exscersise in making a shuymp engine, than any kind of fun game, but if your going to make it a full game please dont just push the time up, those ships generate randomly i know but after 10 minutes or so its gonna get real boring.

    on a good note though, cool music. by all means look at other peoples games and leanr from them, but unless you make a major code change please make sure they are defined as gfx/sound mods not new games.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie nielsss's Avatar
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    I fixed that crashing problem (now uploaded). But hang on a second what is still the same exept for you're game engine? The menu is made from scratch, i even changed stuff aroudn in the egine like changed the time remaining chnaged text colour i know that isnt much and i admire the time you put in coding that engine but the only thing that is stil like your game is the main engine. I gave you credit for using that btw
    "Special thanks to Anonymous D for making the engine."

    You said "also screwed up the transparancy on the sprites. " i didnt skrew it up, i just didnt finish cuz my photoshop was beign gay and needs reinstalling, im stupid but not that stupid that i dont know how transparancy works

    thank you for the information on how to get into coding though. When reading your message it felt quite attacking at the start. i was wondering why since i clearly said you made engine.

    I removed the IR moded because im working on difficulties like hard normal and easy by chnaging the speed and weapons you get

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    Lets be nice guys, its LUA we are talking about after all :P

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie nielsss's Avatar
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    Im making levels now. So when you get to score 3000 you go to the next level where enemies are faster and you on earth. All this stuff is kinda putting me off though.

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