via Eurogamer

KOEI has told Eurogamer that futuristic racer Fatal Inertia will be a better game on PS3.

The company is spending more time on it after the 360 version failed to ignite critical fuses when it was released in September. According to a spokesperson for the publisher, they're polishing up technical areas and putting together a more enticing demo than Live customers were treated to.

New content is a possibility, too, although nothing concrete is known at this point.

KOEI US recently offered next spring as an expected date for the title. However, we were told nothing has been decided internally and it is currently "in development for 2008", as it's always been.

Fatal Inertia began life as a PS3 exclusive, but met delays because it was fiddly getting it to work with Unreal Engine 3.

The game lets you zip around interesting courses like canyons and caves in futuristic flying ships, using all sorts of innovative weaponry to hamper the progress of your opponents.

Unfortunately it was let down by a poor frame rate and ill-conceived technical features in the 360 version. KOEI is hoping to iron out those kinks in time for the PS3 release.

Head over to our Fatal Inertia review to find out more.