via Engadget

Although one has to consider Toshiba's obvious bias in the format war, we still can't quite wrap our heads around what Mike Eves is trying to get at here.

Reportedly, the company's retail marketing executive for its consumer products division told Pocket-Lint that the "HD DVD / Blu-ray battle is like petrol versus diesel at the pumps," and somewhat clarified his thoughts by asserting that "both would probably exist together rather than a single format winning out."

Of course, that last statement doesn't deviate too far from the sentiments issued by Sony's Howard Stringer just days ago, and while he couldn't be coerced into admitting whether or not combo players were a good thing, another spokesman did state that he wasn't keen on having two units under his TV.

Whatever the case, we can't imagine that having two formats for the duration would be a boon for consumers, but regrettably, we're hardly any closer to seeing a clear-cut winner today than we were on the day these two left the gates.