via elation

ChickenLiver has updated his Pad Plugin for the PS2 Emulator PCSX2:

Heres whats new:

The addition of the vibration test and my fix for the small motor makes it obvious I'd been flipping the small and large motors' vibration values. 0.8.2 fixes that. Should probably have tested it more from the start, but I'm not a big fan of vibration, in general (Just think supporting it is nifty). Sorry for all the releases. Hope this is the last for a while...Until someone discovers a bug or suggests a nifty feature, at least.

Added slightly better handling of setting bit masks. Not sure it'll have any practical effect.

Added GSDX + MTGS hide cursor hack.

Fixed clipping rectangle not being removed when using a mouse and background monitoring. Note that you have to have a hack enabled or a device in Windows messaging/raw mode for this to work properly. I recommend mouse users just binding a key to "mouse" and use that instead.

Added the option to use different force feedback effect functions. The constant function should be fine for most people, but some devices/device drivers are funky and use different functions for different motors.

Right shift sent to PCSX2 as a generic shift when using an input mode that distinguishes between the two shift keys.

Fixed bug that would cause LilyPad to ignore slight movements of analog axes.

64-bit dll fixed. No longer fails to load, complaining about being unable to find MSVCR80.dll.

Removed a couple older pretty ineffective hacks that had been aimed at increasing stability when pausing emulation. Note that there are not the hacks listed on the first configuration screen.

Changed center for analog sticks from 127 to 128. Not sure which is correct, or if itīs actually in between, but other pads plugins all seem to use 128. Shouldnīt make any noticeable difference.

Modified handling of some PS2 pad configuration commands. May now work in some games that didnīt recognize it as a dualshock 2 controller (Or as any controller).

Fixed issue with not saving some settings on the general screen to file.

Added simple but nasty hack to prevent potential crash when quitting by closing the command window while the emulator is still running. Issue was that I was trying to cleanup my DirectInput objects when the dll unloaded, and (Apparently) the DirectInput dlls had already been unloaded.

Added PADupdate() support. If the emulator supports it, DirectInput controller state is only checked when itīs called. Note that this may reduces responsiveness when frame rate drops to almost nothing. Or it may not. Could also introduce some threading issues (In particular with vibration), though I havenīt run into any yet.

Added option for monitoring game devices when in the background. Mostly added because I always forget to refocus the emulator window after changing to another window.

Fixed handling of mouse buttons 4 and 5 under Windows messaging.

Escape will now always cause emulator to stop (Even when keyboard mode is disabled). Wasnīt working under Windows messaging mode.

Raw input keyboard mode should no longer cause it to crash.

Mouse cursor not being hidden in Windows messaging mode fixed.

Dropped SIO support. Even if the PAD functions are supposedly depricated, doesnīt look like SIO will be used by PCSX2 any time soon.

Will save general settings for pads 1 and 2 even when no controls are configured for that pad.

DirectInput devices are a bit more responsive when binding them in the config screen.

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