Grow up. This is not a democracy and never has been, it's a mix between a dictatorship and an oligarchy.

Now, do a search in OT for revolution, revolt, and other such terms, you'll come across many groups of users who have clamored for this and then left. It happens. For some reason many babies seem to have a selfish sense of entitlement. They don't agree with the rules, so they claim that those enforcing them are corrupt. Most every greviance cited by people then and people now is directly dealt with in the site rules.

Speaking of the rules, lets take a look at some of the most relevant parts:

7: Generally staff are the law and as such have the power to hand out infractions, bans, locks or any other type of punishments at their own discretion. With that said the staff are also the subjects of the rules themselves.
This rule exists because in order to keep the peace in a broad environment, the staff here needs to have a certain amount of autonomy. Especially since there are many unofficial rules that aren't set in stone because A) we don't want to unnecessarily clutter the rules with details and B) updating the rules frequently reduces their apparent importance.

Now, if you think a staff member is being unfair it says we are subject to the rules too, sure why not? But lets keep moving down that rules page shall we?


Staff abuse is extremely rare at DCemu and we pride ourselves in have a very disciplined and knowledgeable staff. But if such an event has occurred we urge you to report it. Please contact someone in our administration team for such matters (preferably souLLy, Kaiser or DarkSaviour69). The matter will be promptly looked into and we guarantee you at the very least a response.
Oh, yes, we have specific guidelines on how to report staff abuse if you see it. How many users do you think have done this? Next to none (afaik, none with good cause). How many choose to ignore the rules they have affirmed they have read when joining the site and make damn foolish threads about how they're being abused? Many.

Now, if, IF, you have actually moved through the steps and have not gotten resolution, then I can see you MAYBE making a public thread about it. I don't though, understand how threatening to leave is supposed to be any sort of threat.

It would be great to see users clamoring for things that really matter, such as the site taking a stronger stance on encofcing licenses of the software it hosts, or reducing the amount of advertisement that takes the form of news; but to whine on and on about how your rights are being trampled, or how you're the glue that is holding the site together is egocentric bordering on insane. To be absolutely clear, I am NOT speaking about any individual user. In the years this site has been up this has happened more times than I can count, and the result is always the same, the user leaves, and behold, all the problems they were making such a fuss about are gone too.

As a final note, stop asking for junk back. We are NEVER going to reinstate it. There is no staff member categorically for it, and the only users who care are the same ones who were sitting there making trouble with it. If you want to join in on page after page of mind numbing stupidity, you should run for congress, or something.

So, with that, I'll post this closed, what needed to be said has been said.