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Thread: Strange dreams.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Post Strange dreams.

    I've had some strange dreams before. This most recent one by far takes the cake. Me and a friend are on a summit looking at the sun. It doesn't seem like this time, The technology is far to advanced to be this time. The sun seems to be completely burnt out. we see feats upon feats of air traffic franticly traveling the skies. All nations seem to be working together trying to come up with a solution to the crisis. They shot missiles at the sun, they fired beams into it. all to no effect. One nation even released a gas into the earths upper atmosphere and slowly began to burn it all in an effort to keep the planet from freezing. Another used some some sort of unheard of technology to create artificial suns in the skies,they only lasted minuets before burning out. amidst all this confusion and chaos me and my friend look around. with a set of binoculars. we see most people out on their lawns. but my friend points to one family that seems to have luggage packed. He said that's odd where are they going?
    I said where can they go? almost as soon as I had finished saying that. A military truck speeded to them, it rushed them inside then speeded off. We looked around and noticed many more trucks like that one. picking up select families while leaving others behind. the irony was. amidst all the chaos in the skies. No one seems to notice the military trucks picking up select people. This intrigues me. So me and my friend decide to find out what's going on. He says how will we catch up to those trucks. I told him we wont have too, all we will have to do is go to one of the houses where the people have their bags packed and wait for a truck to arrive. We do so. The people waiting for the truck are so panicked and scared they don't even notice us or are just flat out ignoring us in light of the frantic rush they are under. So we wait for the truck. When it arrives the military doesn't even notice us. they just tell us to hurry on aboard. We do so as we are curious as to what's going on. Inside the truck are military officers debriefing people. telling them that they are societies chosen and have been selected to be spared and will be moved to vast underground bases all around the world so that they may survive. At this point I become upset and ask the man about everyone they are leaving behind. without a word an officer shoots me and I wake up.

    That's pretty much the entirety of the dream..

    Strangeness. Well Im gonna go get some coffee and check my emails and things. Bbl guys.

  2. #2
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    DCEmu Old Pro V3N0M's Avatar
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    That is one crazy ass dream dude! :rofl: What's so weird is I was just talking to some friends at school today about some of the crazy ass dreams I've been having lately.. ( Probably from lack of sleep. I'm a bit of an Insomniac and working and going to school full time doesn't help. )

    I've always wanted to sit down a write out my dreams as they had happened because some of them ( Like your's shadow ) are very interesting and make some pretty fascinating stories. I also like to try to figure them out and trace parts to certain events.
    ( Example: Video Games can cause some weird dreams, TV, even normal everyday events like going out to lunch, class, or even work. )

    Anyways its getting super late where I'm at now but I'll try to post some of my more interesting dreams when I can later. Cya L8r shadow!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, the strange part about this dream was It all felt very real. Like I was really there. It was a pretty vivid dream all in all.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro V3N0M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    Thanks guys, the strange part about this dream was It all felt very real. Like I was really there. It was a pretty vivid dream all in all.
    I know I said I was gonna get some sleep.. BUT I do understand where your getting at. What's strange was before my dreams were never very "vivid" and usually never seemed as real.

    I've kinda always knew in the back of my head when I was in a dream but lately my dreams have been getting more vivid to the point where I don't really understand of whats going on and it seems I'm in a real situation. Honestly some are so damn realistic that I can remember exactly where various items were. Things like items on store shelves or trees, roads, cars outside.

    I guess what I'm getting at is its really is amazing what the mind is capable of when your not in full control.

    Anyways I'll post back later, Hopefully other people will post some of their interesting dreams and maybe ExcruciationX will write a story combining them all together in some crazy ass sort of way! :thumbup: BTW dude that last story was the shiznit! :rofl: Put it on my PSP and read it with bookr!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    yes it is amazing what the mind is capable of. I've studied the mind to some extent.
    The brain puts out different types of waves at different states of consciousness,
    Those being alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta.

    Beta brain waves:

    Beta brain waves occur between 14 - 30 Hz but during intense mental activity can reach 50 Hz i.e., Beta waves characterize the conscious waking state at 14 cycles per second and up. Beta waves occur in individuals who are attentive and alert to external stimuli or exert specific mental effort. Beta waves also occur during deep sleep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep when the eyes switch back and forth.

    Notice that the amplitude of beta rhythms tends to be less than for alpha rhythms. This does not mean that there is less electrical activity rather that the "positive" and "negative" activities are starting to counterbalance so that the sum of the electrical activity is less. Thus, instead of getting the wave-like synchronized pattern of alpha waves, desynchronization or alpha block occurs. So, the beta wave represents excitement of the cortex to a higher state of alertness or tension

    Alpha brain waves:

    Alpha brain waves occur between 8 - 13 Hz i.e.,the alpha state operates at a lower cycle, 7-14 cycles per second level. In general, the alpha rhythm is the prominent EEG wave pattern of an adult who is awake but relaxed with eyes closed. When we relax and clear our minds of wandering thoughts or simply choose to ignore them, our brains generate alpha waves. In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion as the conscious logical mind is subdued. Each region of the brain has a characteristic alpha rhythm but alpha waves of the greatest amplitude are recorded from the occipital and parietal regions of the cerebral cortex. Psychic experiences can happen in the alpha state. Both daydreaming and sleep dreaming occur while in the alpha state.

    Theta brain waves:

    Theta brainwaves occur between 4 - 7 Hz i.e.,the theta state is 4 - 7 cycles per second. When you enter this type of mental activity such as daydreaming, fantasy, imagination, ideas, inspirational thinking, your brain generates theta brain waves. Theta wave generation can be stimulated by a number of activities and sources. While it is possible to have psychic experiences in the alpha state, the most thoughtful experiences occur at the theta level. If you drive for a long while on a straight road, you can go into Theta state. The theta level opens the door to fall down even deeper into the psychic/astral world.. At this level, one is able to experience astral travel and psychic communication, achieve enlightenment, and enter into other dimensions.

    Delta brain waves:

    Delta brainwaves occur below 3.5 Hz i.e., brain wave activity in the delta state ranges from 0 - 4 cycles per second. This is total unconsciousness, deep, dreamless sleep. When we are asleep and not dreaming, the brain generates delta waves. Delta brain waves may increase during difficult mental activities requiring concentration. In general, the occurrence and amplitudes of delta and theta rhythms are highly variable within and between individuals.

    I had to learn some of this in college. then I dropped out at some point, but women and babies tend to change lives I suppose. anyway. Delta brain waves aren't the waves we are interested in here. Intricate dreams such as our's occur between the theta and alpha level. Its all very interesting.

    Read up on it. It's interesting. check it out bro.

    Their are even several interesting mental exorcises I learned To force ones mind to work on the beta level at 50+ Hz But you will develop headaches if you don't rest Its a very strenuous mental workout. anyhoo all very interesting stuff. Yes indeed.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    When i get on a PC i will share my dream. The most trippy dream ever.
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
    Steam - Rjinswand
    Runescape - Rjinswand

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triv1um View Post
    When i get on a PC i will share my dream. The most trippy dream ever.
    Please do I want everyone to share their strange dreams, I'll bet there are some interesting ones

  9. #9
    DCEmu Old Pro cal360's Avatar
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    That dream sounds pretty real and kind of scary, it sounds like something that could happen in the far future. Were you reading about the sun before you went sleep.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cal360 View Post
    That dream sounds pretty real and kind of scary, it sounds like something that could happen in the far future. Were you reading about the sun before you went sleep.
    No not really. I was playing zelda on my ds before I went to sleep. I have no clue where any of the events in my dream came from

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